Antiquity is post? – RED BLOG

by time news

2024-02-02 09:24:16

“Don’t consume shit”

How do you feel after losing a match to the powerful Guarany de Bagé, even after the club has made millionaire and renowned investments for the 2024 season?

I know it’s too early to demand top-notch results from our foreign legion, but these first games are already triggering some “red flags” in our minds of past seasons in which we started lukewarm and ended up vomiting from the mouth of the championships we competed in.

Apart from my misuse of a biblical passage in the previous paragraph, when talking about football, the popular adage that says “seniority is placed”. BUT, this is complete nonsense! Just like in my work, I don’t like the use of expressions and analogies of military origin because, first of all, they are completely different contexts. Furthermore, in this highly competitive universe that is high-performance professional football, seniority alone is not enough. It takes innovation, constant improvement and the ability to reinvent itself, both for the players and for the institution itself.

In modern-day football (I refuse to use the term “modern football”), the importance of remaining competitive goes beyond the passion of the fans; It’s a matter of survival. Remaining competitive brings financial rewards that guarantee the club’s longevity. Internacional players must understand that the pursuit of excellence is an ongoing process. Technology, training methodologies, as well as strategies, evolve and those who want to stand out must keep pace. Youth together with the appropriate dose of experience and energy are allies, but it is the constant search for improvement that defines the true stars and leaders on the field and not what A or B achieved until last year. As I said before and I repeat now: each new season starts from absolute zero! It doesn’t matter what was done and what was achieved (or failed to achieve) last season.

Sport Club Internacional’s trajectory is marked by periods of glory, but also by challenges overcome with resilience. A winning mentality must be cultivated on a daily basis, in training and behind the scenes. In our history, the club’s biggest names understood that competitiveness is not only against opponents, but also against time itself and the inevitable changes in the sporting scenario, in one’s own body and in the team. A club’s legacy is not only built on the titles won in the past, but on the ability to reinvent itself each season.

In the era of globalization and social media, Internacional’s visibility must go beyond physical borders. and for this reason, the club’s reputation is shaped not only by historical achievements, but by its constant presence in contemporary conversations and this is achieved by winning titles and taking a leading role in the competitions in which it participates. Players and managers must recognize that relevance in today’s football landscape requires more than tradition; It requires innovation and the ability to adapt to new paradigms, in addition to being able to remain focused and motivated regardless of the size of the dispute in which you are participating. I believe that this will be the turning point for us in this year that has just begun and already leaves us with a flea behind our ears due to the persistent vices of recent years.

In short, in the context of football, seniority is NOT post reveals itself as a truth and this should be our motto. Sport Club Internacional must understand, as an institution, that present and future success is intrinsically linked to the ability of its players and managers to remain competitive, motivated and in an incessant search for evolution. The challenge of reaching and staying at the top is a journey that requires commitment, constant learning and the courage to abandon outdated methods or those that do not bring results.

#Antiquity #post #RED #BLOG

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