Why is it so deadly in Mexico?

by time news

2024-02-02 21:00:18

He World Cancer Day is commemorated every February 4 and has the objective of generating awareness among the population. It is one of the most important health events of the year because it is a disease that impacts millions of people around the world.

According to the medical literature, the first cases of tumors They emerged thousands of years ago. For a long time the incidence was relatively low but everything changed starting in the 20th century and today it is one of the leading causes of mortality on the planet.

Behind World Cancer Day

Although the majority of the population associates cancer with inevitable death, it is curable if detected and treated in time; However, the main problem that occurs in the world is that there is a lack of efficient mechanisms for its early identification, which produces shocking figures. This is what the researcher said UNAM Biomedical Research InstituteAlejandro Zentella Dehesa.

Cancer in Mexico: What are the most common types?

On the occasion of World Cancer Day, added that 60 percent of patients diagnosed in Mexico will die in the next three or five years. Although the real reason is not because the disease is fatal but because it is discovered in advanced stages.

Timely localization and timely care significantly increase the chances of being cured. This requires the collaboration of people who should take their health care more seriously.

What are the main symptoms of cancer?

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Night sweats
  • Loss of appetite
  • Persistent pain, new onset
  • Vision or hearing problems
  • Recurrent nausea or vomiting
  • Blood in the urine
  • Blood in the stool (either visible or detectable only by special tests)
  • Recent change in bowel habits (constipation or diarrhea)
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially after menopause
  • Recurrent fever
  • Chronic cough
  • Changes in the size or color of a mole or changes in a skin ulcer that does not heal
  • A growth or mark on the skin that gets larger or changes in appearance
  • A sore that does not heal
  • Enlarged lymph nodes

How long does it take between the first symptom and the medical diagnosis?

One of our great enemies is the interval between when the patient goes to the health clinic because he has a cough, and ends up in the health service. oncology. In that period the condition goes from being curable to fatal.

February anniversaries that all doctors should know: From Rare Diseases to Cancer Day

In 2024, at the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), The global community commemorates the anniversary on February 4, under the motto “For fairer care,” and a call to unite voices and efforts to act against this disorder.

In this context, the UNAM expert recalls that in Mexico the Cancer is the second or third cause of deathdepending on the age group and the federal entity, but in general mortality statistics place it after heart attacks, cardiovascular strokes and diseases associated with metabolism, such as diabetes.

Permanent investment against tumors

According to Zentella Dehesa, there is progress regarding his diagnosis; However, they have not been able to translate into effective programs with broad coverage for the entire at-risk population, such as screening that are applied in other nations.

These evaluations are used to identify those individuals who may have the condition but do not necessarily have it. The difficulty is that the implementation of these programs is expensive and requires permanent investment.

In our country, we see an example in the application of the mastography that are promoted everywhere. There are several programs, but the Mexican health system has not been able to establish them in that screening general that is needed.

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Adrenal oncological surgery, what is it and what are its benefits? The 10 commandments of a responsible doctor who cares about himself

#deadly #Mexico

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