by time news

2024-02-01 10:44:07

Liang Xuefang, Blooming- Zen Lotus Shadow Thought2012


The China Cultural Center in Madrid hosts the exhibition “Land and Sea, fiber art (China-Spain)” in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of foreign relations between China and Spain. The exhibition is part of the calendar of events for the Chinese New Year of the Dragon 2024, being the second exhibition of the Chinese-Spanish art exchange program ”PrimaveArt”.

Land and Sea (山海不为远) is curated and organized by Lin Lecheng, professor at Tsinghuan University and founder of the International Fiber Art Biennial “From Lausanne to Beijing” along with Maria Ortega, artist, cultural manager, curator and director general of the 10th Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art 25 years WTA in Madrid (2022), the 8th International Biennial of Contemporary Textile Art WTA Sustainable City in Madrid (2019) and Madrid Ambassador of Madrid Convention Bureau MCB (2019).

The selection made includes around forty artists who practice or develop fiber art, an artistic technique of recognized international but also academic prestige, with 14 universities and institutes in China represented in the exhibition. Among the selected names, a dozen Chinese artists stand out: Jiang Tao, Liang Xuefang, Liu Hui, Su Caomulan, Wen Bo, Wu Huirong, Wu Jing, Xu Wen, Yang Zhijin, Yi Wangyuan and Zhang Ni, along with the Spanish María Ortega, curator of the exhibition.

Wu Jing, The soul of the earth2023

Land and Sea (山海不为远) brings us the art of fiber to trace the link with tradition and contemporaneity in a journey, in order to express the feelings, ideas and spiritual conception of each of the artists. . It seeks to capture reality in the most intimate essence of the natural world and the interpretation of the landscape in the works of artists from China and Spain who participate in the exhibition with the common thread of fiber.

One of the oldest Chinese poems (志合者,不以山海为远) tells us: “Nothing, neither the mountains nor the sea, can separate people who have the same goal and vision.” Starting from these two ideas, a common thread has been generated from the fiber and the representation of nature in different concepts, techniques and materials. Throughout the exhibition you can see the interpretation of different landscapes made in fibers, in connection with the earth, the sea, the sky and humanity; the yang reflecting the mountains and the ying the waters that flow in a balance between the two elements.

Maria Ortega, Green Sea2022

This route builds a bridge between the two worlds East and West with the Silk Road, which was the path of dissemination of ideas, knowledge in the field of culture, science and diplomatic relations. This round-trip look is also a route of exchange of knowledge and cultural relations between the two curators of the exhibition, and shows María Ortega’s interest in bringing Asian Fiber Art closer to Spain.

Land and Sea (山海不为远) is the first exhibition of its kind to be held in our country, promoting and promoting future cultural exchanges between Spain and China.

Land and Sea, fiber art (China-Spain), China Cultural Center, Madrid. From February 2 to March 27, 2024.


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