Understanding Long Covid: The Physical Reality Beyond “It’s All in Your Head”

by time news

2024-02-04 16:59:00

“Long Covid is physical and ‘is not in your head’…” was the headline in NOS at the beginning of January. Hurrah! Finally recognition for the many people who have been struggling with a wide range of vague complaints since a corona infection. Now I am happy with this recognition, but not with the way it is written about by the media.

The expression ‘between the ears’ is often used in the wrong context, for example: “Nothing abnormal can be found, so it is in your head” as if you made it up yourself and it does not exist. There is something derogatory about it and the person is pushed aside.

Between the ears there are important brain nuclei, which produce hormones and other substances for the proper functioning of your body and mind.

My practice regularly sees people with vague complaints that are apparently in their head, such as depression and burnout symptoms. I then tell them that whoever told them this is right. Between the ears there are important brain nuclei that produce hormones and other substances for the proper functioning of your body and mind. This also applies to people with long covid, because within my profession as a massage therapist, a complaint labeled as psychological always also has a physical cause.

Energy factories

In the case of long Covid, the mitochondria appear not to function properly. These are energy factories in your cells that help convert nutrients into energy for, for example, your breathing, circulation, digestion, endocrine system and your temperature. You can imagine what happens if the mitochondria do not function properly: fatigue, shortness of breath, intestinal complaints, heart and muscle problems, for example.

Massages can partly help people with long Covid to improve blood flow, which also allows the muscles, intestines, heart and lungs to function better. In addition, certain nutrients can support the mitochondria.

So long Covid is ‘between the ears’, but differently…

– Marja van der Ende, lifestyle stylist

#Column #ears #incorrectly

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