Don’t fuck with Professor Barbero: you have no hope against him, even when he is pro social centers and Askatasuna. Here’s why – MOW

by time news

The Professor then added that crimes must be punished, but that responsibility for violence is individual. But the counterparts don’t like this, also because we know that it is much easier to lump everything together, rather than distinguish, and it is therefore more convenient to accuse social centers in general, as if they were an astral entity that generates violence and emits cobblestones against everything that passes by. Of course, not to be too subtle, there is much more violence in branding Askatasuna’s rescue operation as “death of justice”, according to what the police unions have said, or in saying, as he did Augusta Montaruli, Turin representative of Fratelli d’Italia, who explicitly spoke of “political violence”. Yet the reasoning is very simple: the violent ones assume their responsibilities, as it should be, but a social center is not just the one that participates in demonstrations. Indeed, the cultural aspect is preponderant. Concerts, solidarity activities, debates. Barbero himself was a guest of Freedom last year, and I can already hear the voices screaming “ah, so you see he’s a murderous communist!”but in reality the professor specified during the meeting, once the applause had started for having quoted Marxthat he was only expounding the philosopher’s thoughts, which were not his thoughts, and that the illusion of Marxism would then lead to other paths. Second point in favor of Barbero: like any true intellectual, he is neither impartial nor partial, but beyond parties. Reasoning, like History, is beyond evaluative judgment. And Barbero has always ignored partiality. As in the case of the discussion on foibelaunched by Tomaso Montanari in September 2021. The rector of the University for Foreigners of Siena, who was the protagonist of a recent controversy with Paolo Mieli on Ukrainespoke of historical falsification, regarding the institution of Remembrance Day, with which they wanted to commemorate the Italian victims of the Yugoslav partisans. Giorgia Meloni hoped, from the pages of the newspaper, that she wanted to stop Montanari. Barbero however, in an interview with Everyday occurrence, said that, although he agreed with Montanari on some points, the fact of choosing a specific atrocity to declare that only that one, and not others, should be taught to young people in order to learn from it, was the biggest problem. However, in conclusion, he added that he would prefer to live in a country where anyone, even a fascist, can express an opinion without risking their job. But here too our Professor was forcibly misrepresented, to the point of being forced a few days later to rectify through a purely historical article on the Foibe, adding that in any case the institution of a commemorative day was not wrong. Let us then draw a veil of compassion over those who then, returning to today, reminded Barbero that the president of the Piedmont RegionAlberto Ciriohas been living under guard for four years, after notes were found near Askatasuna with a photomontage of Cirio’s face on the infamous photo of Moro hostage of the Red Brigades. To use terms he would use Nicola Porro, these people bury themselves, silence themselves and humiliate themselves. The common good of which the Municipality’s provision towards Askatasuna is the object is not certain, as reported The truth, that of living under guard, but this is already demonstrated by the municipality’s attempt, which is to save the cultural activity of the social center, and at the same time inhibit the violent part. On the other hand, the project envisages that the property will become the exclusive property of the Municipality, which in the event of problems could always decide to close everything. Of course, the Collective has said that it will not stop holding marches, but as the Professor has already reminded us, not all those who participate in the demonstrations are responsible for violence. The truth is that Barbero is the true common good, and anyone who tries to drag him into these Manichean clash dynamics, good guys against bad guys, has understood nothing. If you want to continue to consider public debate as a verbal spittoon, in which the person with the most phlegm in their throat wins, Barbero is, like philosophy, a mouthwash. Throw away the phlegm and leave it alone.

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