Daily Review of Israel at War: Perspectives from Global Media, Aid from the US, and More

by time news

2024-02-05 09:07:41

Against the backdrop of the ever-evolving war, the lens of the global media reveals unique perspectives on what is happening in Israel. From analyzes by international experts, interpretations from a different angle and also small stories from Israel that disappear from view, every day we will provide you with a short daily review of what is written in the world media about Israel at war, to try and decipher how things from here look overseas.

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1Investigation: Iran used British banks to launder hundreds of millions of pounds

Iran used two large banks in Great Britain – Santander and Lloyds – as part of a huge money laundering operation, designed to flow hundreds of millions of pounds to organizations associated with the Revolutionary Guards and Iran’s sponsored organizations around the world. This is what the Financial Times reveals this morning, relying on leaks and internal documents. Both banks provided bank accounts to Iranian straw companies, which thereby bypassed the international sanctions on the Iranian Petroleum Company (PCC), which has been subject to restrictions since 2018.

The network was exposed, among other things, with the help of leaks from Iranian regime opponents. Now the activity of the companies included in it has been frozen. The background to the disclosure, the newspaper reports, is the American-British coalition fighting the Houthis, and attempts to fight financially also in the network of Iran’s proxy organizations around the world.

By Mike Johnson, Stephen Morris and Lucy Fisher. From the Financial Times. To read the full article.

2The trap of Hamas

Israel should be careful not to fall into the trap of Hamas, which hopes that it will leave large forces and occupy parts of the Gaza Strip in order to continue its terrorist activities; This is what Prof. Colin warns in an extensive article in Foreign Policy magazine. times. Clark, a security expert from Carnegie Mellon University, who heads a research institute for what is happening in the Middle East (Soufan Group). According to him, under the guise of vague goals, it seems that Israel may fall into the same trap that the American forces fell into in Afghanistan, when their initial goal was to eliminate al-Qaeda, but they moved on to building a nation, until in the end the Americans failed in both missions. According to the author, Hamas’ strategy in the event of a permanent presence of the IDF will be “death by a thousand small cuts”, until the Israeli public demands a withdrawal.

“If Israel wants to remain in Gaza indefinitely, the Israeli army should adopt ‘light’ methods of operation that will allow a response and security control without igniting a counter-reaction in the population,” Clark writes. According to him, this seems an impossible scenario, so the preferred solution is a political settlement.

By Colin F. Clark. From a policy document. To read the full article.

3The surprising beneficiaries of the Starbucks boycott

Local Malaysian coffee chains have been thriving in recent weeks, according to a report in Singapore’s Straits Times, due to the fact that many Malaysians responded to the call to boycott international coffee chains “because of their support for Israel in the war in Gaza”. “My middle name was Starbucks,” a woman in her 50s told the newspaper, “but now my conscience feels much better.” In November, the American chain sued employees who expressed solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza while using its logo, which was enough to call for a global boycott of it, which gained particular resonance in the Muslim country. The chain of Mukarami cafes reported a jump in sales from November, “and we link it to the war in the Middle East,” said a chain manager. So is the popular chain of coffee shops Gigi. According to a local company, traffic at Starbucks branches decreased by 30% in November, compared to the previous year’s figures.

By Hazlin Hassan, from The Straits Times. To read the full article.

4Violent attack against an Israeli on the streets of Berlin

A young Israeli man was violently attacked on the street in Berlin, and needed hospitalization following multiple injuries, because of his pro-Israel political views; This is what the local Berliner Zeitung reports this morning. This is Lehav Shapira, the grandson of Amitsur Shapira who was murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the Olympic Games in Munich, and the brother of Shakh Shapira, a well-known Israeli-German actor and comedian, who was also attacked in the past on anti-Semitic grounds. The two grew up in Germany.

According to the report, a young man of Arab origin violently attacked Shapira after he left a bar in the city center, so that he needed to be hospitalized due to facial bone fractures. He apparently recognized Shapira, who has been working for the abductees and for solidarity with Israel at Berlin’s Pre-University in recent months. The attacker is apparently a university student. He fled, and Germany’s federal security services searched his apartment, where they confiscated a phone and documents.

By Alexander Schmaltz and Christian Gerke. From the Berliner Zeitung. To read the full article.

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#trap #Hamas #preparing #Israel #huge #whitewashing #Iran #Britain

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