Caritas Turkey and Syria: One Year After Earthquake, Continuing Critical Support

by time news

2024-02-05 13:38:21

One year after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Turkey and Syria, Caritas, together with its local partners, continues to provide critical support to affected communities.

C. Rubini Chinnappan CTC, Vatican News

On the one-year anniversary of the earthquake in Syria and Turkey, Caritas Turkey, in partnership with Caritas Anatolia, Caritas Istanbul and Izmir, continues to be active in emergency response efforts by distributing 6,280 meals, 4,422 food packages and 5,201 hygiene items. They improved the living conditions of displaced families. School materials were distributed. Despite challenges such as damaged facilities and subsequent flooding, Caritas Turkey remains committed to helping displaced people rebuild their lives.

Caritas Syria’s resilience despite ongoing challenges

In Syria, where more than fifteen million people are already in need of humanitarian assistance due to thirteen years of conflict, Caritas Syria continues its unwavering support. Following the earthquake, Caritas Syria distributed aid through 71 centers. Food packets, hygiene kits, drinking water packages, mattresses and blankets were provided. The organization is actively involved in rehabilitating schools and shelters, offering monthly vouchers to families and delivering critical medical assistance including more than 500 surgeries. Caritas Italy continues to push forward with its mission despite financial challenges and the impact of sanctions, the Caritas Italy report said.

Caritas International emphasizes the need for continued support. International Caritas Secretary General Alistair Dutton highlighted the critical work of Caritas Syria and Caritas Turkey on the anniversary of the earthquake. He emphasized the importance of not ignoring the long-term consequences of the conflict in Gaza in the Middle East, including Syria. Despite declining international attention on earthquake-affected areas, Caritas International offers continued support and recognition for the remarkable efforts of Caritas Syria and Caritas Turkey in addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by affected populations.

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