Paolo Fox’s horoscope for February 5, 2024: the predictions sign by sign

by time news

The first of the opposition planets, which caused trouble at the end of January, now returns to a neutral position. Progressively, we will also see a easing of opposition Venus e Marte. Although the first part of this month maintains a modest tone, the second offers the possibility of recovery. Do not rush into making final decisions, even in the presence of relevant issues. Around the 7th there will be another moment of tension, but after that many things will gradually resolve themselves. It is important to be patient, they are expected to be there significant developments between the end of the month and March.

Although the period offers good opportunities and promises a final victory for some, we are faced with an initial excess of stress. If anyone questions your actions, prepare for success in the next couple of days; even if complications occur during these hours, a recovery remarkable. A newfound balance and your logical ability will act as truly miraculous levers. The workplace enjoys considerable protection, with a extremely interesting future prospect. Those who are self-employed could seriously consider a change of company or role.

Paolo Fox’s horoscope for February 5, 2024: Libra

Today seems to be working well, but more may arise doubts on Tuesday, especially if there are unresolved issues in your feelings. If they are still there uncertainties in your heart, it may be appropriate to have an open conversation and discussion. The second half of February promises to be better from this point of view, although I do not exclude that since the end of January some people have taken a sort of pause for reflection. Not all couples are in crisis, but it is possible that some choices regarding the home or work of one of the partners need to be re-examined. Everything is undergoing significant changesand there is physical improvement for those who have faced problems in this regard.

Paolo Fox’s horoscope for February 5, 2024: Scorpio

Towards the middle of the week, you may cross paths with an important person, and if you have partners or collaborators, sharing a project will not be a difficult task. However, it is important to keep in mind that the presence of Mercury in a dissonant aspect inevitably involves a review of financial matters, with possible delays and the need to evaluate new agreements and review ongoing contracts. Those in part-time or commission-based businesses should prepare for the fact that significant changes may not occur before the 23rd. Meanwhile, there’s an upcoming commitment, with freelancers working on a project to launch after June.

Paolo Fox’s horoscope for February 5, 2024: Sagittarius

The new position of Mercury, combined with the configuration of the Moon, helps to offer a positive outlook. Currently, the stars give a gift expanded vision of the future, infusing that dynamism essential in life. A Sagittarius who knows how to imagine and create, carrying out pleasant and useful actions for others, will feel fully satisfied! Your vitality is at its highestand remember that, although some small challenges may arise over the weekend, it is better to face them lightly and let them slide over you.

Paolo Fox’s horoscope for February 5, 2024: Capricorn

From tomorrow afternoon, the presence of the Moon in the sign will be added to that already present of Venus and Mars; therefore, be prepared, as a response may arrive within three days. If you find yourself faced with one choice, take the time to reflect, you will have clear ideas. However, I understand how much I commit and responsibility are involved. Although you like it be the center of attention, sometimes you want to lighten your load of commitments. Remember, these thoughts have no reason to exist; Capricorn has the need to emerge, and the ambition to be expressed is considerable! I think of all those who have worked diligently in the past: there will be no shortage of rewards. New projects are expected for the summer.

Paolo Fox’s horoscope for February 5, 2024: Aquarius

The rebellious spirit, one of your characteristics, resurfaces, strengthened by the presence of Mercury in the sign. The current sky promises a future free of constraints, a period which, in these days, allows for say goodbye to what no longer works! Friday promises to be one of the best days to try to recover serenity, and we cannot neglect the aspect of love. Soon, Venus will also enter the sign, bringing with it many emotions.

Paolo Fox’s horoscope for February 5, 2024: Pisces

If yesterday you felt a certain sluggishness or agitation, try today to avoid getting involved in negative feelings towards everything around you. It’s understandable, especially for those who are going through a romantic dispute, to feel a little dejected from time to time. However, it would be a shame to waste the good energy coming your way. I understand that the Moon in unfavorable position may cause inconvenience today, but from tomorrow afternoon the situation will improve and February will offer many the opportunity to reach an agreement. In this week, the desire to act will grow, but it is important to be aware that the nervousness it could be more pronounced.

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