The Uncertain Future of Public Transport in Norra Djurgårdsstaden and Ursvik: Concerns and Controversy

by time news

Norra Djurgårdsstaden is described as one of Europe’s most extensive urban development areas. Sustainability is a watchword for the municipality in development. Many thousands of new homes are planned, as well as workplaces.

The city of Stockholm set the parking number to 0.5 – that is, half a car per apartment – ​​because Spårväg city was to be extended to Ropsten, further through Norra Djurgårdsstaden, back down towards the inner city and start rolling in 2013.

Today, the future of the tramway is uncertain. In addition, one of the buses that runs through the area will be shut down and the other will have fewer departures.

– Travel time is getting longer, everyday life is getting worse and I think more people are taking the car, says Anna Kullendorff, who lives in the area.

– I will definitely consider a car, says neighbor Caroline Karlsson.

Bus 75, which runs through Norra Djurgårdsstaden and down to the city, will be closed completely at the end of June. “Travel time is getting longer, everyday life is getting worse and I think more people are taking the car,” says Anna Kullendorff (on the left). Photo: Thomas Karlsson

Anna Kullendorff started a rebellion. She read about the cutbacks on social media and created a Facebook group. Within a couple of days it had 300 members and now they have collected just over 2,000 signatures in protest against the region’s plans to shut down bus routes.

– It’s hard to be impressed when the SL card gets more expensive all the time and the traffic gets worse, says Caroline Karlsson.

Bus 75, which runs through Norra Djurgårdsstaden and down to the city, will be discontinued completely at the end of June, main bus 6 will have fewer departures, especially during rush hour. It takes ten minutes to walk – at a brisk pace – to the subway in Ropsten. It takes longer with toddlers or walkers.

When Norra Djurgårdstaden is completed, it will accommodate approximately 12,000 apartments and 35,000 workplaces.

– The Stockholm region must match public transport with where the municipalities build. We have tried to arrange a meeting with the politicians but have received no response. If I had known this, I would not have moved here. I think many people feel let down, says Anna Kullendorff.

Norra Djurgårdsstaden is described as one of Europe’s most extensive urban development areas. Photo: Lisa Mattisson

Transport regional councilor Anton Fendert believes that there is a future for the light rail line. During the year, he hopes to reach a letter of intent with the city of Stockholm.

– But I really understand the frustration of those who live in Norra Djurgårdsstaden, linked to the fact that they have been promised good public transport. I am also frustrated that travel has decreased overall due to the pandemic, he says.

Caroline Karlsson and Anna Kullendorff objects that travel on bus 75 has increased and believes that it is completely illogical to remove it.

But it is not only the residents of Norra Djurgårdsstaden who are waiting for better public transport.

In January, Region Stockholm announced that the expansion of the Tvärbanan to Ursviks torg in Sundbyberg is delayed – again – and is expected to be completed in the spring of 2025. The first bid was for the Tvärbanan to run in 2019, the next bid was in 2021.

– I am clearly disappointed and share the frustration of the Ursvik residents, says Martin Solberg (MP), municipal councilor and chairman of the urban environment and traffic committee.

Martin Solberg (MP), municipal councilor and chairman of the urban environment and traffic committee in Sundbyberg. Photo: Magnus Hallgren

Sundbyberg designedaccording to him, the whole of Stora Ursvik based on the fact that public transport – led by the Tvärbanan – would be the best and easiest way to travel to and from the new district.

– Now the people who live there are forced to change their mode of transport, and it will mainly be by car.

Anton Fendert believes that Tvärbanan will really roll into the square in Ursvik in 2025.

– Many critical parts of the Tvärbane building towards Kista have been completed or are in the process of being completed. But good public transport in Ursvik should have been in place earlier, he says.

The first inhabitants of Ursvik moved in in 2007. Today, around 9,000 people live there. When the area is ready, according to the 2036 plan, Ursvik will have 14,000 – 16,000 inhabitants.

What kind of public transport is there today?

– Primarily a bus that runs frequently, but in rush hour the buses are full. We are in close dialogue with the region about getting more bus traffic in the gap until Tvärbanan arrives here in 2025, says Martin Solberg.

Do you dare to build some new areas – for example in Kymlinge where there is an almost finished subway station that has been unused for 40 years?

– As long as the Green Party has any influence in Sundbyberg, we will not proceed with Kymlinge, it is a very important green area, says Martin Solberg.

The Green Party in Sundbyberg have discussed, somewhat loosely, that the subway station can become an entrance to nature.

– But it comes with a decent price tag, says municipal councilor Martin Solberg.

Facts. North Djurgårdsstaden

Norra Djurgårdsstaden in Stockholm’s northeastern corner is being built on old port and industrial land.

Värtahamnen was built in 1884, Värtagasverket was inaugurated in 1893. Many of the gas and electricity works’ buildings were designed by the architect Ferdinand Boberg, for example the gas bells in red brick.

The district is marketed internationally as Stockholm Royal Seaport. The connection is that the area was a royal hunting park during the 17th and 18th centuries.

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Facts. Great Ursvik

Stora Ursvik together with Lilla Ursvik, Råsta and Kymlinge were large medieval farms.

The district of Stora Ursvik is part of an area that was transferred from Stockholm municipality during a border regulation in 1971.

According to the current population forecast, the inhabitants are estimated to amount to over 15,000 people in 2027.

The area previously has a long history of being military; among other things, FOA – the Defense Research Institute – was located here for a long time.

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Read more: The proposal: Here are the bus lines that SL wants to scrap

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