Sofia Goggia forced to stay still for 40 days, but promises: “This time too I will be able to get up again”

by time news

Sofia Goggia will be out of action for at least 40 days following the accident that caused her to fracture the tibia and ankle bone in her right leg. This was announced in a press release from the Italian Winter Sports Federation (Fisi), which specifies that the skier “was operated on successfully at the La Madonnina clinic in Milan by Dr. Andrea Panzeri, president of the Fisi medical commission, in collaboration with Dr. Riccardo Accept, head of Traumatology at the Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio Hospital, for the reduction of a displaced multi-fragmentary articular fracture of the right tibial pilon”.

As Fisi always adds, “the operation was a perfect success, a plate with seven screws was applied to the athlete and he will observe a rest and unloading period of approximately 40 days, to then begin the most active part of the physiotherapy, which will have In any case, I’ll start in the next few days.”

The Italian champion suffered the injury when she hit the door during training this morning on the “Casola” track in Ponte di Legno (Brescia). Goggia was preparing for the World Cup giant slalom scheduled for Saturday in Soldeu, Andorra. The decision to operate immediately was made by the doctors after the CT scan and MRI had highlighted the fracture. Sofia Goggia, after the bad fall during training in Ponte di Legno, was transferred by air ambulance to the hospital in Milan, where she underwent medical tests.

“This time too I will be able to get up again”, are the words spoken by Sofia Goggia before entering the operating room. Although after a short pause the skier admits: “The injury interrupts my pursuit of a new downhill World Cup.” The 2023-2024 World Cup will end on March 24 in Saalbach, Austria. It is unlikely that the Italian athlete will be able to return in time to avoid overtaking her rivals, despite the current lead of 89 points over the second placethe Austrian Stephanie Venier, and 141 on the third, the Swiss Lara Gut-Behrami.

To those who ask him when Goggia will be able to compete again, Dr. Andrea Panzeri, president of the Fisi medical commission, responds by spreading his arms: “Now Sofia will have to face yet another path to recover, but she is strong and will be able to do it great. It is difficult to estimate her recovery, in a few months she will be able to put her skis back on her feet and we will see her back on the slopes at the beginning of next season. She is strong, she will recover”.

Today’s accident is the latest in a series of many injuries, many of them serious, which have characterized the career of the Bergamo financier, Olympic downhill champion in Pyeong Chang 2018 e silver four years later in Beijing. The last injury was on December 16, 2022 when he injured his hand during the Cup downhill in Saint Moritz. The diagnosis was “displaced fracture of the second and third left metacarpal”, operated on in Milan only a few hours after the accident. The one in hand didn’t cause a business interruption because the next day he was back at the gate. On 23 January 2022, just three weeks before the Olympic Games, ‘Sofi’, falling in the super-giant in Cortina d’Ampezzo, suffered a sprain trauma to his left knee, with a partial lesion of the cruciate ligament (it had already been operated on in 2013), a small fracture of the fibula and muscle tendon pain.

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Sofia Goggia wins the Altenmarkt downhill

Goggia missed the opening ceremony of the Olympics, but on February 15th he duly went to the gate and won silver. On January 31, 2021, in Garmisch-Partenkirchen while she was going down to the parking lot to return to the bus, Sofia fell on a snowdrift on the track, suffering a compound fracture of the lateral tibial plateau of her right knee. For Sofia no World Championships in Cortina d’Ampezzo. The Bavarian locality was said to be anything but lucky. On February 9, 2020, you suffered a compound fracture of your left radius when you fell in a super-giant competition. The first injury of Goggia’s wonderful career dates back to 2007 when she broke the cruciate in her right knee. The following year she suffered a right meniscus injury, knee problems followed in 2009 and 2010, and in 2012 she tore the cruciate ligament in her right knee. In December 2013 during the downhill race at Lake Louise in Canada, Goggia suffered a ruptured cruciate ligament, injury to the collateral and meniscus of his left knee, and in December 2014 while training in Santa Caterina Valfurva he suffered a bone bruise both to his femur and to the tibia as well as an external cyst on the left knee. In October 2018, on the eve of the Soelden opening, during training in Hintertux, Sofia fractured the peroneal malleolus in her right leg and was forced to miss the first part of the season. A long history of injuries that continues, but the Italian champion has been stronger than bad luck over time. We’ll see how she emerges from this latest accident.

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Sofia Goggia on the podium in the World Cup downhill

“Bad, bad news, bad luck strikes Sofia Goggia again. Another injury. Once again serious, “the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, writes sorrowfully on his Instagram and Facebook accounts, adding:” The Italian slipped during training in Ponte di Legno where she was preparing for the next Cup matches. World. I just want to tell Sofia, who in recent years has accustomed us to countless sporting miracles, to take all the time necessary. A year flies by and we look with hope and trust at the incredible and unique strength of our Bergamo area, in view of the 2025 World Cup and the 2026 Milan-Cortina Olympics. Sofia, we are all with you!”.

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