Scioli on the government: “There is the intelligence of being able to manage without money”

by time news

2024-02-05 18:24:32

The brand new Secretary of Tourism, Sports and Environment, Daniel Scioli, He expressed his point of view on the new management: “My mission is to continue working and be close to my family. I have been working since I was 15 years old and I plan to continue doing so, since helping and giving a hand to the country is in my essence,” highlighted the former vice president of Nestor Kirchner.

“I feel that I can help and collaborate with my experiences in an area that I know very well, such as sport,” explained the former motorcyclist and added: “I have a very great interest in having sports fairs or conventions in Argentina that help provide an infrastructure. Additionally, to promote the area and generate a positive impact. “I don’t want any athlete’s dream to be frustrated due to lack of support.”

It is known that the arrival of Daniel Scioli, to the government of Javier Milei, It comes from the hand of the Minister of the Interior. “Guillermo Francos He is a great person of great human and professional quality, who throughout these 25 years we have shared different moments. I come to contribute my experience from my Peronist perspective, aware of the problems that the country has, respecting the points of view that each person has and reinforcing my work with Brazil,” the former ambassador to Brazil explained to Mauro Federicoon the radio program “Wake up” a Delta 90.3.

“Tomorrow we are going to give a strong incentive to the domestic tourism movement, by presenting the federal tourism development plan. We also took this measure with the other sectors that he was in charge of,” Scioli assured and added: “There is the intelligence of being able to manage without money, being able to generate with the private sector and giving a framework to the State to develop all its investments. “I’m going to focus on the great tourist offer that Argentina has.”

Finally, on the controversial Omnibus Law, who was one of the presidential references of Unión por la Patria in the internal elections last year, gave his point of view: “I see the issue of the Omnibus Law as a great debate in which the Government has listened and debated different articles, have also given space for the opposition to raise its own point. Let’s hope that all this finds a synthesis that allows the country to implement the changes that are needed.”

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#Scioli #government #intelligence #manage #money

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