Corruption: Benin 70th in the 2023 ranking of Transparency International

by time news

2024-02-05 13:44:26

The 2023 ranking of Transparency International on the corruption perception index raises Benin to 70th place out of 180 countries in the world. The country climbs two ranks compared to 2022 according to the report made public on January 30, 2024.

Of 78th in 2021 in 72nd place in 2022, Benin moves to 70th in 2023. It is well ahead of its neighbors: Togo (126th) and Nigeria (145th). This is progress noted in terms of his rank. However, the country’s score remains far from the average.

The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2023 reports that Benin obtained a score of 43 points out of 100 in 2023 as in the previous year. There was no significant improvement “since 2022” according to Transparency International which displays for the country at the level of “change of score”, zero rating. The organization specifies:

Small fluctuations or changes in a country’s CPI score are generally not significant. (…) When only a few data sources record a change, this means that it is not yet clear whether corruption in the public sector has increased or decreased in that country”.

However, some countries have achieved “a statistically significant change”. Transparency international cite en exemple Les Seychelles (score IPC : 71) Who “remain the best performer in the region, followed by Cape Verde (64) and Botswana (59)”.

Data to measure corruption

Corruption Perception Indices (CPI) in the public sector were obtained from several data sets. In its collection of information on the traces of corruption, Transparency International emphasizes, among other things:

  • Misappropriation of public funds
  • Civil servants using their public office for private purposes without facing consequences
  • The ability of governments to contain corruption in the public sector
  • Nepotistic appointments in the civil service
  • Legal protection for people who report bribery and corruption
  • etc.

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