Houdini Syndrome: when all you want to love is to disappear

by time news

2024-02-05 18:43:05

Although it may not seem like it, the Houdini syndrome It has a lot to do with the famous escape artist Harry Houdini. How is it related to love? Just as the Hungarian artist escaped from reckless actors, so it happens with some people who They flee from their beloved partner.

The emergence of phenomena such as ghosting or almost something. It has become essential for psychology to find a reason, something that explains: “everything was perfect, but out of nowhere it stopped talking to me.”

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What is Houdini Syndrome?

In a society where finding love is difficult and keeping it has become impossible. The word “syndrome” takes on significant relevance. Same as him Peter Pan syndrome,he cabin or the empty face, Houdini’s is not cataloged in the International Classification of Diseases nor has it been recognized by the World Health Organization.

That is, and according to the expert Ricardo Trujillo, from the UNAM Faculty of Psychology. He Houdini syndrome, Like the rest, they are not a medical pathology, but rather a psychopathologization of everyday life. In other words, it is a way for people not to take responsibility for their own lives.

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What is part of a “liquid society”?

The writer and specialist Zymunt Bauma provides a vision of this era, in the light that human beings have stopped establishing emotional ties with others. Which leads us to engage superficial relationships, in which we do not delve deeper due to fear or boredom.

In a simpler way, our society seeks constant transit, avoiding permanence at all costs. The current thing is speed and “discarding.” Why get complicated?

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Stages of Houdini Syndrome

Love, that feeling that is so beautiful and complicated at the same time, can lead us to live intense and sometimes unexpected emotional experiences. One of these phenomena is Houdini syndrome, a situation in which a person goes from giving themselves completely in a relationship to disappearing without a trace.

This syndrome develops in three different phases, each with its own history:

1- “Auge sentimental”

In it we experience falling in love at its finest. We feel like we have found the perfect person, our dreams seem to come true and everything is idyllic. However, this fleeting phase may fade as quickly as it arrived.

2-“Phase of doubts”

It makes us question the strength of the relationship. The foundations that seemed solid are now shaking, and uncertainty is beginning to appear. Doubts cloud what once seemed so clear.

3- “Emotional flight phase”

At this stage, the person experiencing the syndrome withdraws from the relationship, sometimes without warning or explanation. The disconnection can be drastic, and often you never hear from that person again.

He Houdini syndromeIt reminds you that human relationships are complex and that feelings can be ephemeral. What do you think?

#Houdini #Syndrome #love #disappear

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