New materials to fight the flu and cold before we get infected

by time news

2024-02-05 20:19:41

Perhaps the contagion was in the office or on the subway, and possibly the viruses responsible for the flu wave traveled through the ventilation systems. But we have found a way to eliminate bacteria and viruses before they spread and help reduce the spread of respiratory diseases in closed spaces.

Our recent research has shown that using silver, copper and zinc oxide particles in low-cost commercial filters gives them antiviral and antibacterial properties: they almost completely inactivate viruses and prevent the growth of bacteria.

Protect us from the invisible

All our lives we have heard sensible advice from doctors on how we can avoid falling victim to the flu: wash our hands, avoid touching our face, cover our nose and mouth, etc. And although these are good tips that help minimize the effect of these tiny villains, many times it is not enough and we have to face them.

Respiratory viruses can easily spread through direct contact, aerosols, or contact with infected surfaces. A study published in 2020 and led by researchers from the National Center for Infectious Diseases and DSO National Laboratories in Singapore confirmed the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in places such as the doorknob, sink and air fans of a patient infected with the virus. virus.

That is why the practice that spread in times of covid-19 of the use of disinfectant substances such as alcohol or sodium hypochlorite is very good. In this way, contact transmission is relatively covered, but what happens to the quality of the air we breathe?

The focus of ventilation systems

Let’s think about places like public transportation, schools, offices and gyms. These places can be “ideal incubators” to promote respiratory infections. Hospital centers can be much more critical since that is where there is the most vulnerable population with the possibility of getting sick.

In closed spaces, aerosols generated when sneezing and even talking are a source of contagion. Also in these places there are heating or air conditioning systems that, despite filtering, spread viruses and are breeding grounds for bacteria. It is precisely in this scenario where materials play an important role in attenuating the expansion of microorganisms on surfaces and in the air.

The magic materials

Filtration is one of the most commonly used methods to ensure air quality in closed spaces. Filters are effective at capturing particles of different sizes and having a cleaner environment. However, after long-term use, microorganisms harmful to human health, such as fungal spores and bacteria, can accumulate and even thrive on untreated filters.

Over the past two decades, spores of several bacterial species have been detected in such environments, including Propionibacterium, Staphylococcus y Legionella . Various species of harmful fungi have also been identified, such as Aspergillus, Penicillium y Cladosporium.

But what if we had the option not only to filter particles but also to destroy possible microorganisms?

Destroy viruses and bacteria before they spread

The filtering process in air conditioners is a physical barrier that in some cases is capable of retaining bacteria on the order of microns. Viruses are much smaller (nanometers or smaller) and can pass by more easily. But our work was not only focused on retaining them, the objective was to eliminate them.

That was the main motivation of the recently published study, led by researchers from the IMDEA Materials Institute in collaboration with scientists from the Red Biomedical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases (CIBERES) and the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain.

Silver, zinc and copper

The periodic table is full of magical materials with different properties, and some metals such as silver, copper, and zinc have special properties that can destroy microorganisms through different mechanisms.

Thus, our study was based on a novel process: we immobilized silver, copper and zinc oxide particles in low-cost commercial filters. And we manage to give them antiviral and antibacterial properties. Once viruses and bacteria enter the system, they are not only trapped but are inactivated or eliminated.

In the most promising result, we found that both silver and copper compounds showed full antiviral activity (greater than 99%). And the silver filter extract also demonstrated complete prevention of bacteria growth, during the 24-hour incubation period measured by the study.

To simplify the operation of the system, let’s think of a person who sneezes and produces small droplets with the virus. If the virus is captured by the ventilation system, as it passes through the filtration system it will encounter our particles that, upon contact, inactivate it. In this way they cannot reproduce anymore and do not continue traveling in the environment.

Developments in materials offer a wide variety of industrial, energy and health improvements. Our study is just one example among many of the advances in science to create a healthier environment.

#materials #fight #flu #cold #infected

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