Burschenbundball: Lindner demonstrates, Binder celebrates as a DJ

by time news


Published on February 6, 2024 linza 0

Credibility is probably different: Outside on the street, Upper Austria’s SPÖ boss Michael Lindner and his party are calling for a demonstration against the traditional Linz boys’ union ball – and even marching on the front line himself – and inside his party friend and 3rd state parliament president Peter Binder is the DJ for the celebrating fraternities.

Location of the official end of the ball: the PIANINO, which belongs to the number 5 of the Linz SPÖ local council group, Harry Katzmayr. In retrospect, Binder justified himself via Krone by saying that it was “stupid” and that he didn’t know in advance that the official after party would take place exactly where he always DJs. This contradicts the fact that both the location and date were announced days in advance on the official ball website. It’s not Peter Binder’s first faux pas. There will probably be no personal consequences, but according to Lindner there will be a “discussion” today.

Screenshot of the official website of the Burschenbundball. However, it was “not clear” to the SPOÖ state parliament president Binder that the official ending of the boys’ association ball would take place in the PIANINO.

One thing is clear: It is hard to believe that no one wants to have known that the official ending of the Burschenbundball will take place in the PIANINO at the Taubenmarkt – and therefore in THE SPÖ-heavy bar in the city. The SPÖ grandees are celebrating here, even if high-ranking visitors from Vienna are announced, Linz and Upper Austria are inviting. SPÖ always come here for lunch together. The then SPÖ Chancellor Kern also dined here with his entourage.

The company is run by SPÖ politician Harry Katzmayr, who entered the local council in 2021 in prominent 5th place on the list for the Linz Reds. Katzmayr’s personal friend is the third President of the State Parliament, Peter Binder, who often plays as a DJ in the restaurant – guests report performances “several times a month until the early hours of the morning”. Binder does this job “really well”, the SPÖ health spokesman worked as a DJ in the Old Town trendy bar Vanilli in his younger years and still enjoys picking up the needle from time to time.

1,000 SPÖ posters with crying children, intended to motivate people to get vaccinated, were posted during the Corona period under the third state parliament president, Peter Binder. (Photo: SPÖ)

Speaking of the needle: It wasn’t Peter Binder’s first faux pas. At the beginning of 2022, he presented a controversial series of posters with crying children that were intended to encourage vaccination (see picture). Nevertheless, the 3rd President of the State Parliament and SPÖ health spokesman Peter Binder claimed at the time that he had never seen the questionable vaccination subjects before – nevertheless he presented them at a press conference. The result: It wasn’t Binder who had to go, but Lindner’s predecessor Gerstorfer.

Shortly before, Binder positioned himself as an ardent supporter of the corona vaccination requirement, which was already very controversial at the time, and even called for prison sentences for all those who did not want to be vaccinated.

The Burschenbundball took place for the 74th time this year – in recent years it has also become a tradition for left-wing groups to demonstrate against it. This year there were around 1,500 demo participants who, led by the Greens, the SPÖ, Antifa groups and others, marched loudly but peacefully through the city center.

“So what?” one could actually say about the “DJ affair” surrounding the 3rd President of the State Parliament, Peter Binder, who warmed up the boys’ group as a DJ at the after-hours ball in the PIANINO. Yes, you could, because neither the ball nor the fraternity groups are anything reprehensible or forbidden.

Things only get spicy – or rather stupid – when the SPOÖ – of which Binder is one of the highest-ranking representatives – rails against the ball for weeks and appears as one of the main proponents against the “right-wing extremist” ball. In the ORF report on the demo, you can even see Binder’s boss, SPÖ chairman Michael Lindner, marching in the front row of the ball participants with a concerned face, while shortly afterwards his party friend Binder, probably less affected but in a better mood, led the boys’ group all the way to the event Entertaining as a DJ tomorrow.

One idea would be, dear SPÖ: Next year, accept the most traditional Linz ball with a little more indifference and thereby generate a little more credibility. Those who think differently are to be tolerated and accepted, as long as they stand on the ground of democracy (and that is what the Burschenbundler does). But it has become fashionable and “woke” that people are now trying to deny any legitimacy to everything and everyone who is not (far) to the left and are even talking about bans.

Incidentally, the ball after hour didn’t start until 3:15 a.m., but Binder started DJing at 10 p.m. (apparently for a birthday party that was being held at the PIANINO) – at least then he could have stopped DJing if he supposedly had such a problem with it has fraternity groups. If he actually didn’t know anything beforehand, at least then it would have been the time to “end work”. But Binder continued to play cheerfully.

Of course, this supper is far too thin for a resignation, but Peter Binder – who is said to have repeatedly promoted himself within the party as the successor to Linz Mayor Luger – is no longer credible for (even) higher political orders with his repeated leaps into the faux pas . Perhaps in the future the SPÖ should generally point the finger less at others and instead care more about itself. Linz has survived the Burschenbundball for many decades – with or without demos, with and without political change, with and without state parliament presidents as DJs.

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