Inquiry for Tempi: The request to stop the work of the committee was rejected

by time news

2024-02-06 12:01:16

He was rejected by the majority of the inquiry committee for “his investigation crime of Tempe» the request of 29 victims’ relatives of the train accident of February 28, 2023 to suspend its operations until the completion of the relevant investigation from the Larissa Appeals Prosecutor’s Office.

The MPs of the N.D., the KKE, the Hellenic Solution, and the Freedom Movement spoke against the request. In favor of the immediate interruption were SYRIZA-PS, New Left, KO Spartiates, KO Niki and Mr. Member of Parliament K. Floros, while PASOK requested that essential witnesses be called first, and since the interrogation by the Larissa Prosecutor’s Office has not been completed, that the work of the investigative committee be suspended.

As the rapporteur of the ND said. L. Tsavdaridis, the request is not compatible with the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament and the Constitution, because the inquiry committee is charged, as a means of parliamentary control, to check all the responsibilities that exist. As noted, the role of the commission of inquiry and the judicial inquiry are distinctthe examination material is forwarded to the investigator, while nothing prevents the judiciary from assigning responsibilities and if it decides to ask the Parliament to bring criminal proceedings against political figures as well. On behalf of the official opposition, the deputy of SYRIZA-P.S. V. Kokkalis said that the Parliament’s investigative committee currently lacks the basic evidentiary materials to ascertain whether there are criminal responsibilities of political figures.

At the same time, a request by MPs N. Vrettos (Niki) and K. Floros (independent) to refer the interim head of the OSE, P. Terezakis, to the prosecutor for perjury was rejected.

Source: RES

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