Youtuber Felca is accused of cheating and being toxic with his ex-girlfriend; understand – News

by time news

With more than 3.7 million followers, the YouTuber Paralysis went viral on social media after publishing a humorous video about evaluating influencer Virgínia Fonseca’s base. However, the young man’s name came up again and this time, he was accused of cheating and being toxic with his ex-girlfriend.

Felca dated content creator Heloísa Borsari for just over two years. The young woman ended up being heavily attacked by Felca’s followers and they recently announced the end of their relationship.

What did Felca say? “I don’t talk much about my personal life with you, but I need to say that Helo and I are no longer together. Everything is fine between us, we’ve been dating for almost 2 years, it’s a cycle that had to close and I ask everyone who likes me to respect her at this moment”, she says.

Felca also asks fans not to hate his ex-girlfriend and spare her stress: “It doesn’t deserve any type of attack, whoever can, bring light, without mentioning me, just support and light”, he adds.

What did Heloisa say? “Guys, Felca and I are no longer together. Everything is peaceful. Stop talking about him to me or me to him”, he says in stories.

However, at another point she said: “It’s been about four months since we broke up and I didn’t come to talk about it here before because I knew people would come and attack me. […] I was extremely shocked because 90% of the people who came to attack me were women. But anyway, just leave me alone.” In the images, Heloísa appears visibly shaken due to the hate she suffered.

Despite this, on a private account on X, the old Twitter, the young woman made some outbursts about the end of the relationship that ended up being leaked to the public. In one of them, she said: “If an ex was good, it wouldn’t be an ex.” The phrase was followed by a screen recording saying: “Heloisa, you will never be loved the way I loved you”.

The young woman also made other posts saying: “I’m sad because I was much more of a cuckold than I thought I was” and “It’s his luck that I don’t want fame for the shit he did. I only take hate and he was the toxic one”.

It was not known who the shared screen recording was from, but on social media, the couple’s fans and haters insisted that the aggressive message was written by Felca, just as the indirect messages shared by the girl were intended for him.

After that, the YouTuber ended up on X’s trending topics, being accused of being abusive, toxic and an asshole.

Drunk Video

After the prints were leaked, internet users rescued some moments that condemn Felca’s behavior. In one of them, he made a drunk video and appears asking Heloísa for help and cursing the young woman when she advises him not to start the live because he is drunk.

“Either you help me, or you are my enemy. Help me please. Oh, you bitch, how do I open a live?”, says Felca, at one point in the video shared on his channel.

In this live, they were already lovers and made a video the day after publication justifying what happened. “I said a lot of shit, I cursed her, I exposed my life”, said the influencer alongside Heloisa. At the time, she not only forgave, but also publicly acknowledged the relationship shortly after the incident.

Felca’s pronouncement

Last Sunday, February 4, Felca shared a statement and ended up confirming that Heloisa’s prints referred to him: “Yesterday I spoke to Helo. This statement I made, I am posting with her approval. Some things we prefer not to talk about so as not to expose them and I chose to record this video (instead of a note or text) to clarify the issues raised more sincerely”, he said on X.

“When I treat Helo this way, I open doors for other people to do the same. Precisely for this reason, I needed to come here to justify myself. That’s not how you treat a person. I was stupid, I made a mistake and you shouldn’t look up to me in that regard!”, begins the video.

Regarding the accusation of being toxic, the YouTuber confesses: “It was a two-year relationship and I certainly did a lot of shit. It’s not black and white. Just like I did a lot of cool things too,” he explains.

Felca also assumed that the WhatsApp screenshot — published by Heloisa — which said “No one will love you like I loved you” was also from a conversation between the young woman and him. The YouTuber explains that she said this in a tone of intensity, and not in the sense of “you don’t deserve to be loved”. And he continues: “It’s not cool. It’s obvious that it’s really bad.”

The influencer did not comment on the accusations of betrayal. Heloisa also did not comment on the leak of screen records.

Felca’s career

Stage name Felipe Bressanim Pereira, Felca was born in Londrina, Paraná, in 1998. He started his current YouTube channel in 2017, dedicated to humor videos, in which he comments on a topic that is trending.

The channel has more than 3.7 million followers and millions of views. On Instagram, the influencer also has impressive numbers, with 3.9 million followers. In X, the number exceeds 830 thousand.

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