Big Brother, messages for Fiordaliso after his retirement. And she records a video outside the house

by time news

Fiordaliso’s decision to withdraw from the club was stunned Big Brother. The competitor announced it in yesterday’s episode, Monday 5 February, well past midnight. “The difficult thing is staying locked up, I need air, to see my children, my niece, my brothers. I can’t take it anymore, the day is very heavy, everything becomes unbearable for me” she explained to Alfonso Signorini Fiordaliso before give the news to his comrades who reacted with deep emotion.

The sadness involved the contestants still in the house, but not only, because many viewers expressed it through messages written on social media and taken up by Fiordaliso herself: “Where do we find a heart like that? Number one” someone writes; “Wonderful woman” adds another who follows the thoughts of those who maintain that she deserved the final and of Ciro Petrone who describes her as “a pillar of this edition”. For her part, Fiordaliso proved to be very decisive in her position, also reiterated in a video recorded during the night once outside the house: “I’m fine, it was my choice”, she stated again, admitting however the nostalgia towards her adventure companions: “I miss my children.”

Below is Fiordaliso’s video

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