The two people he requires do not appear in the center where he will sing

by time news

Tonight, Wednesday, February 7, Angela Dimitriou premieres at the nightclub, where she will appear with Dimos Anastasiadis, in the center of Athens.

The singer, who recently occupied the broadcasts about the break with her daughter Olga Kiourtsakis and her son-in-law, Fotis Losis, is returning to her professional obligations but under conditions.
According to a report from the show “Fay’s Time”, Angela Dimitriou gave an explicit order that her son-in-law, Fotis Losis and his and her daughter’s best man, should not appear at the store. Gregory Ekmalian. The same information stated that if this happens, she herself will stop her live appearance.

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Glomex Player(eexbs1jkdkewvzn, v-cyys753uc67d)

What Grigoris Ekmalian said about Angela Dimitriou’s expenses

A day before, the best man of Olga Kiourtsakis and Fotis Losis, Grigoris Ekmalian revealed in the same show, the background of the fight between mother and daughter in America and pointed out that her son-in-law was the one who arranged her collaborations and her tours. He wanted to make it clear that the couple tried to put a “brake” on the singer’s expenses, which were considerable. About this he said: “He went to the shops and within 10 minutes he lost 3,000 dollars, at some point he has to hit the brakes, before leaving for America he bought 3,000 euros worth of clothes, two suitcases full, which the groom carried. He was good then. She was dyed and combed by her daughter, then she was good”.

Glomex Player(eexbs1jkdkewvzn, v-cyxxhdv9jvld)

The best man of the couple also mentioned in the show that: “I know everything, I learned everything and that is why I am in Greece, to defend the children, because they are innocent in the case. I don’t need to get the OK from Olga or Angela, because I’m part of the family. I have been with Angela for over 30 years, in all difficult moments I am by her side, I love her like my sister, I raised Olga by my side, I married her. I’m trying to find them, that’s why I am, because the only one who can find them and fix things is me and no one else.”

Angela Dimitriou with her daughter, Olga Kiourtsakis and her son-in-law, Fotis Losis

Furthermore, Grigoris Ekmalian said: “She’s been confused, there’s been a ring behind Angela all these years, they come and go. And suddenly, there is a man who comes to put things on a course, this is her son-in-law. They put words to her. Her son-in-law helped her with obligations that needed to be taken care of, Angela could see that. Angela is a legend in her work and every legend when he feels trapped, no matter if it’s for good, rebels. And as soon as the circle next door gave her the right, she rebelled against the children.”

Finally, the best man of Olga Kiourtsakis and Fotis Losis, said that: “The money is hers and no, she can’t do whatever she wants with it, it has to go towards obligations” and added at another point: “At the moment he has had a huge career and he should have a 50 million villa, another 20 in the bank and because of the circumstances, they are not there. It hurts me to say this”.

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