Chrupalla talks about Weidel’s outrageous speech, and Lanz is shocked

by time news

TV column “Markus Lanz”: Chrupalla talks about Weidel’s outrageous speech, Lanz shocked: “I have a chill running down my spine”

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The AfD is gaining more and more votes, but when it comes to the party’s concrete plans, the party’s politicians often avoid it. With “Markus Lanz” Tino Chrupalla had to answer specific questions from the ZDF presenter. The two repeatedly clashed violently.

It’s not just in the east of the country that the AfD is gaining momentum based on votes. And this despite the fact that the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has currently classified the AfD’s youth organization, Junge Alternative, as definitely right-wing extremist.

At “Markus Lanz”, AfD boss Tino Chrupalla was unimpressed by the development and made it clear that nothing had been decided yet because: “It is now being rushed through. We will continue to complain there.” In general, Tino Chrupalla was still annoyed with the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution because, due to the lack of communication, he did not know “what we are being accused of”. This “of course makes it difficult to react”.

In this context, the AfD co-chairman expressed the suspicion that the assessment by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution was “also based on electoral practice” because “there are state elections coming up this year. This is of course intended to make a strong opposition small.”

A serious accusation that stunned Lanz: “Seriously now? The Office for the Protection of the Constitution, you say, is being abused politically?” Chrupalla nodded energetically and claimed: “Yes, it is an authority bound by instructions that (…) of course receives instructions from interior ministers with party books.” According to the AfD man, this becomes “electoral tactics “ tries to “influence the citizens (…). But that won’t work. It’s no longer possible, especially in East Germany.”

AfD leader Chrupalla clarifies: “We are a Basic Law party”

When Tino Chrupalla repeatedly made it clear that he didn’t know why the AfD and the Junge Alternative were classified as “certainly right-wing extremist”, Lanz asked specifically: “Is someone like Björn Höcke right-wing extremist for you?” Chrupalla dismissed it and said: “For me, he is not a right-wing extremist.” Chrupalla further explained that for him an extremist is anyone who “attempts to question or fight the free democratic basic order with violence or violent fantasies.” He sees these tendencies neither in Höcke nor in other AfD members.

“And if someone steps out of line, then they will have to leave this party too. That is the clear red line. We are a Basic Law party,” the AfD leader explained. Chrupalla added angrily: “There are more and more people who are not acting in accordance with the government in this country and are increasingly being classified as right-wing extremists. For example, I don’t know how I am classified. Files are also being created about me!” In this context, he generally finds it “adventurous after reunification that files are being created by people again.”

Lanz “has a chill running down his spine”, Chrupalla defends Weidel

He also finds “the brutalization of all parties in the current political debate in this heated situation in Germany (…) is not okay”. A great template for Markus Lanz, who asked the AfD politician about a recent speech by Alice Weidel in which she accused the traffic light government of hating Germany. “Do you think that’s good?” Lanz wanted to know. Tino Chrupalla replied unimpressed: “I think that’s still within the scope of what can be said. I don’t find that problematic in any way.”

Lanz reacted with shock: “It sends a chill down my spine.” However, Chrupalla stuck to his opinion and made it clear that “other speeches, including those from the Federal Chancellor,” also gave him chills. At the same time, he defended Alice Weidel and said: “Every politician has his own style.” When Chrupalla repeatedly shot against public television, Lanz countered that he found it difficult “to insinuate, there are these dark ones There are forces on the one side and they have nothing else in mind except to put us (…) in a strange light.”

Lanz counters Chrupalla: “This is really a conspiracy theory”

CDU politician Claus Ruhe Madsen also expressed his concerns and said that Germany would certainly “not move forward with such disputes”. This brought Lanz to the topic of economics. With a view to the increasing number of voters, he wanted to talk to Chrupalla about the AfD’s concrete plans and asked: “What is the position – do you want to leave the EU, do you want to stay?” Initially, Chrupalla answered vaguely that the European Union “needs to reform “Must be because it intervenes “more and more (..) in sovereign states”.

Then the AfD leader became more specific when he said that Germany, as the highest net contributor, must have the opportunity to leave this union. Lanz asked: “Do you have any idea how much German prosperity would be lost if we left the EU?” Instead of giving concrete figures, Chrupalla replied, visibly annoyed: “Tell me – do you have an idea?” As the ZDF presenter read concrete figures to the AfD man, Chrupalla questioned the economists’ calculations and raved about the economic situation in Great Britain since Brexit.

“It’s really a conspiracy theory what you’re doing here,” countered Lanz, stunned. In this context, he further made it clear that Germany would lose several hundred billion euros per year if it left the EU. However, Tino Chrupalla remained steadfast: “I doubt that.” A statement that made the ZDF presenter angry: “Why do you doubt everything, Mr. Chrupalla? I don’t understand. You are a nice, friendly craftsman from the Görlitz district.”

Claus Ruhe Madsen also commented at this point and said: “I hope that an incredible number of people have just seen this and are aware of how threatening that would be for our economy and our growth.” He was “proud and happy that “I haven’t had to explain to my daughter what a border is in Europe for 15 years.”

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The original for this post “Chrupalla talks about Weidel’s outrageous speech, Lanz shocked: “I feel a chill running down my spine”” comes from Teleschau.


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