The Government singled out the deputies who voted against the omnibus law one by one and called them “anti-people.”

by archyves

After an intense day after the halt to the omnibus law, which was sent back to committee in the middle of the debate that was taking place in the Chamber of Deputies, The Government published a list with the names of each of the legislators who voted for and against the ruling party’s proposal. He thanked those in the first group and called those in the second “anti-people”. President Javier Mileymeanwhile, echoed and declared that “Argentines suffer the negative effects of their excesses and passion for living off of others.”

“Last night the caste celebrated,” the President reiterated in line with several messages that he began publishing last night. “Today, good Argentines suffer the negative effects of their excesses and passion for living off of others. They are very similar to the beasts that celebrated the default in 2001/2; The Bases Law took the mask off the criminals who ruin the country”, he stated on his X account (exTwitter).

Milei published his message about the observation of journalist Julián Yosovich, who warned about a drop in Argentine bonds in the market.

Last night, after the session adjourned, the first channel used to react to the failure of the omnibus law was the account of the President’s Office, which on the social network X specified how the deputies voted, although it ignored those who make up the benches. of Unión por la Patria (UP) and the Left Front (FIT).

“The Office of the President appreciates the legislative commitment of the Frente PRO bloc, led by Cristian Ritondofrom the deputy Miguel Ángel Pichettoand the sector of the UCR that accompanied the project, as well as all the deputies who this Tuesday voted in particular in favor of the “Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines,” they wrote.

In the same message, they highlighted “the betrayal of their voters by all the blocks that turned their backs on their campaign promises for a different Argentina”. “The people will never forget the names of those who, being able to facilitate the reforms that were elected by 56% of Argentines, decided to continue playing into the hands of the caste,” he added and then shared the list, in which he included Carolina Píparo , which voted against a paragraph of article 4 and was harshly criticized by militants of La Libertad Avanza (LLA).

In the same sense, President Javier Milei retweeted a message that he described as “an unmissable thread” shared by a user from the same social network and adds that there you can “map some of the names of the impoverishing caste with its faces.”

What happened in Congress

The Chamber of Deputies returned to committee the majority opinion of the Bases Law, which had achieved half a general sanction and was being dealt with in particular. The session was adjourned because the ruling party did not have the votes to approve the articles referring to the privatization of public companies, the reforms to the debt support law and the worsening of penalties to limit social protests.

With this resolution, the project of 646 articles must begin to be discussed again, since the general approval expired, as well as the approved articles and agenda number 1, in accordance with the provisions of article 155 of the Low camera.

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