He shot his ex-partner three times and the bullets did not come out, in El Chañar

by time news

A serious episode of gender violence occurred on Sunday in a farm in San Patricio del Chañar: a man He shot his ex-partner three times but the bullets did not come out. It happened in front of their 12-year-old son, who He struggled with his father and took out his gun..

In a hearing held this Tuesday, prosecutor Andrés Azar accused the defendant of attempted femicide aggravated by the use of a weapon. The Guarantee Judge Natalia Pelosso imposed 10 days of preventive detentionand in that period the chief public defender Laura Giuliani will look for a place for him to serve house arrest.

The incident involves a couple from Formosa who She has been living in El Chañar for seven years.. The man is 47 years old, he is a rural laborer and they both live on the farm where he works, along with his 12-year-old son and her 29-year-old brother.

Three months ago, the woman ended the relationship and since then he has demanded that the man leave the house, something that he refuses to comply. She started another relationship, and coexistence is impossible.

The trip to Formosa

In December they traveled together to a town in Formosa located 70 kilometers from the border with Paraguay where the defendant’s parents live. In that place there was an episode of gender violencesaid the victim.

On Sunday, February 4, between 10:30 p.m. and 11 p.m., after dinner, the man insisted that the woman consume alcohol. Prosecutor Azar described that she refused, He became violent, he grabbed her, he hit her.and then he went to a closet where he kept a firearm.

“He picked her up and pointed it at her, told her ‘I’m going to kill you’ and started shooting”Azar added. “The mechanism of the weapon did not work.”

struggle with son

The 12-year-old son intervened, who took the father’s gun and “threw it in the direction of the mountain.” Until now they have not recovered it.

The woman and the child fled towards the road, and while they called the victim’s partner. The man picked them up in his vehicle and they went to the 13th police station. to file the complaint.

Aware of the case, the Violence Office ordered that the home where the incident occurred be recorded. Two police officers went to the scene and found the accused: apparently he was trying to escape, although defender Giuliani said they found him sleeping. The episode is not clear.

Risk of leakage and obstruction

The prosecution requested two months of preventive detention due to risk of flight (there is a possibility that he could escape to Formosa and from there to Paraguay) and due to the risk of hindering the investigation (the victim is terrified of him, and could influence her and her son).

The defender Giuliani requested that the preventive be for ten days. He explained that the man lives on the same farm where he works and in the home of his ex-partner. He will try to convince the employer to transfer him to another establishmentor will search some co-worker to provide accommodation to convert the detention into home detention.

The prosecution did not object and Judge Pelosso considered the charges formulated and He imposed preventive detention for ten days.

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