the senator sues the former ambassador

by time news

The words of theformer diplomat Elena Basilewho he attacked in a video Liliana Segreaccording to her tormented “only by the thought of Jewish children”.

The senator for life is ready to sue the former ambassador for her statements in the video spread on social media. “Segre – informs a note – has instructed his trusted criminal lawyer, the lawyer Vincenzo Saponara of Milan, to proceed in accordance with the law against him”.

Liliana Segre’s son, thelawyer Luciano Belli Paci, he announced that he had received “two emails from Elena Basile last night” in response to his dispute email. “Basile claims that Liliana Segre’s thoughts would have been misrepresented by unspecified press articles, following which her video would have been created, and that therefore the senator should ask those newspapers that misunderstood her, and not her , to rectify – continues Belli Paci – He also declares himself happy to learn that Senator Segre cares about the death of children of all nationalities and ethnic groups. Finally, he says he is sorry if the video hurt Liliana Segre”.

Responding to Basile, the son of the senator for life specified “that the misrepresentations of Liliana Segre’s thoughts by the press are not apparent” and “that we take note of the fact that she does not believe she can assume her responsibilities for the defamatory and insulting statements contained both in the video and in the interview published by ‘Il Giornale d’Italia’ and “of the fact that she does not believe in adopting the suggested remedial measures”. Therefore Liliana Segre has appointed her trusted criminal lawyer, the lawyer Vincenzo Saponara of Milan , “to proceed in accordance with the law against him”.

The case reaches the Senate floor

Meanwhile the matter arrives in the Senate.

“I agree with the right arguments and the words that emerged unanimously from all the groups and I embrace Senator Liliana Segre who we hope to see here in the Chamber soon. We extend our greetings to her”. L’Senate Assembly stands up with a long applause given to the parliamentarianafter the words of President Ignazio La Russa which conclude the interventions in the Chamber on the issue of Elena Basile’s video against life senator Liliana Segre.

“There is nothing more false in the statements made by Elena Basile to Liliana Segre”, says the dem Francesco Verducci in the Senate chamber. “A story – he states – disturbing in its enormous falsity”, “the story concerns Segre, but it concerns us all due to the moral authority that the senator instills in this Assembly”.

According to the parliamentarian the words of the video “provoked the indignation of all Italian citizens for the offense against Liliana Segre”. “With his strength and simplicity – underlines Verducci – in these days of profound torment he spoke on several occasions about the anguish and difficulty of not being able to sleep because of what is happening, and in particular, within the terrifying conflict, the anguish for all the children who, in his words, are Sacred without distinction of nationality and faith, who suffer and die, who pay because others have not been able to find the path to peace . Children killed due to the hatred of adults, they who would be the future of brotherly peoples. There isn’t a night that I don’t stay awake as a desperate grandmother.”

In the evening, the former diplomat apologized: “I am very sorry for this atrocious misunderstanding – she writes in an article published by Fatto Quotidiano online -. I was misled by an interview, perhaps read superficially, in which the journalist attributed statements unilateral to Senator Segre”.

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