‘Mummy break it down’; Free, viral sharing auntie mom dance video

by time news

Singer, actress and presenter Rimi Tommy’s mother Rani Tommy’s dance video goes viral. The actress and Rimi’s sister-in-law Mukta shared the video on social media. ‘Age is just a number. Right? Mukta’s post is titled ‘Mummy, take it down’.

The queen dances to the tune of ‘Premodaranai Anayu Natha’. Rani Tommy’s dance videos have already caught the attention of the audience. Rimi and Mukta introduced the queen’s extraordinary performances to the audience.

The video of Queen Tommy’s dance performance became notable in a short time. Many people have already watched the video. At this age too, Rani, who practices and performs dance with perfect energy and vibrancy, is a great inspiration to the audience.

Rani is still learning to dance. Rimi Tommy himself made it clear that Mommy spends most of her time practicing song and dance during the lockdown. Training is online. The queen’s step was accompanied by a song that conveyed Kovid’s defensive message.

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