Isolated, Javier Milei cuts off dialogue with governors, asks for the heads of officials and considers governing via DNU | The day after the legislative defeat – 2024-02-08 03:01:00

by time news

2024-02-08 03:01:00

The first immediate reaction was to assemble a firing squad. Through his personal Twitter account, Javier Miley He vented his fury from Israel by reposting a list of the “traitor” deputies who brought down the omnibus bill, and also another that pointed to the governors of Córdoba and Santa Fe, Martín Llaryora and Maximiliano Pullaro, as responsible for its failure. The circle closest to the President, on this Wednesday afternoon, was encouraged to terminate all types of dialogue with them and with other provincial leaders whom, during the first weeks of administration, a sector of La Rosada aspired to count as potential allies. As part of this budding breakup, the head of the head of ANSES could roll, Osvaldo Giordano, sword of Cordobanism. Another symptom of the political isolation into which the Government is beginning to sink after the legislative defeat is that the idea of ​​governing by decree was revived. In La Rosada they do not rule out implement through new DNUs several of the measures contained in the articles that were rejected by Congressan idea that had already been nesting in Balcarce’s offices at least since last December as plan B in case the megalaw did not pass the filter.

The “bases”, by decree

“There are many other ways to carry out the Government plan and implement several of the articles of the law, from DNUs to simple decrees and resolutions,” they summarized this in La Rosada, where yesterday they lowered the price of the idea of ​​refloating the omnibus project with a popular consultation. In any case, these decrees would be limited to points that have nothing to do with the fiscal, criminal and political reform chapters, among others, which do or do need the approval of Congress. That was one of the topics that was on the table in the meeting held at the Government House by the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martin Menemthe Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francosthe star advisor Santiago Caputo and the chief of staff, Nicolas Posse.

In summary, the idea is to send via decree all the points of the package that can be implemented with a single signature from the Executive. Several officials have already opened the door to that possibility. The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, said on Wednesday night that after the failure of the law, “Now we have to go another way”. The presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, joined the proposal on Wednesday morning and assured that the President will apply his program “with the tools that the Constitution allows (SIC)”.

The minister without portfolio, Federico Sturznegger, had said last December in an interview with Bloomberg that both the first mega DNU and the “bases” project were “barely 40 percent” of the program of “reconfiguration of the structure of economic power in Argentina”. His first child already had a strong rejection in justice, especially in the labor reform section. So it remains to be seen how much of the rejected megalaw package can follow that path without stumbling over the same rock again.

“I’m not interested”

Once the legislative failure was complete, the libertarian deputy Carlos D’Alessandro who announced that the Bases project “will be withdrawn by the Executive” and that the Government “He does not plan to send any law during 2024,” that is, he is going to do without Congress. Later, Milei himself confirmed the news in an interview on TN and assured that he is not interested in The project “continues to be discussed” in Deputies. Incidentally, the accusation of treason against the governors came from his own mouth. “The reason why the project was sabotaged yesterday is because the discretionary allocations to the provinces fell by 98%, which explains the betrayal of the governors, who tell you that they want change as long as theirs is not touched” , He said.

“We received news from the Executive that they do not plan to send any law during 2024, which is why I personally understand that this omnibus law is going to be withdrawn by the Executive,” D’Alessandro explained in radio statements. The rest of the ruling party’s projects, he said, will remain the initiative of each LLA deputy or senator, as was already clear with the presentation of the project that aims to reverse the legalization of abortion.

Are heads rolling?

The anger of the Executive after the defeat was directed, in addition to Llaryora and Pullaro, to the governors of Salta, Gustavo Sáenz, of Neuquén, Rolando Figueroa and of Jujuy, Carlos Sadir. But with the Cordoba, the trouble is personal. To the point that on Wednesday night the resignation of Giordano but also of other leaders linked to the Cordoba president who hold positions in public service, such as the president of Banco Nación, Daniel Tillard and the Secretary of Transportation, Franco Mogetta, circulated strongly. in addition to the officials Fabián López and Luis Giovine, from Infrastructure, who remained under the wing of the Ministry of Economy, led by Luis Caputo.

For Milei, his presence in the cabinet is like having the “traitor” enemy inside his own house. She made it clear when, in the midst of a catharsis via Twitter, she shared a post that asked Giordano to be fired “immediately, as a traitor”, given that his wife, the deputy of the Federal Coalition, Alejandra Torres, voted against the delegated powers. “It causes me a lot of pain that at this point in history we continue to think that because we are a “woman of” we cannot have our own opinion and criteria…”, the representative responded to the President through her own account.

The head-to-head fight with the governors complicates the task of building bridges that the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, tried hard but without much success. Although he criticized the deputies who “had agreed on one thing and then voted for another,” the minister tried to bring down a change to confrontation. “I don’t feel betrayed by anyone,” he said.

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