The Dangers of Dean and Mick: A Closer Look at their Misleading Financial Advice

by time news

2024-02-08 09:46:57


Dean and Mick are two network influencers in their own right. They founded a company called Powercouple (you can’t make these things up), and on their not entirely up-to-date website they offer services such as a “lifeline rescue program from an economic pit” or a “step-up escort program” (five steps, under the slogan “Take a business class flight with us towards your financial growth”), or a meeting to build a financial plan. Beyond all this, Dean and Mick mainly encourage young people to buy apartments for investment, without equity. How do you do that? You go to one bank, take a short-term loan, cross the road to the other bank, use the previous loan as equity to take out a mortgage, and hope you have an apartment. It is impossible to reach huge sums like this, and therefore these are mainly investment apartments in the periphery, especially in Dimona – they claimed that they had already bought 78 investment apartments there. Did they buy these apartments? Or did the people they accompany buy them? I wish I knew, everything is very murky when it comes to Dean and Mick.

Their videos flooded my feed at a time when interest rates were zero and the housing market was boiling. Since interest rates went up, the market froze—and their videos disappeared. But a week ago they suddenly returned to the torch. “We have withdrawn our pension, we do not have a pension,” they said. For me these are the magic words, so I stopped to watch.

Dean and Mick sit and talk to the “interviewer”. She exists, this time, but you only see her shoulder, and she doesn’t say a word. The strange invention of the role of the interviewers is probably intended to give videos of this genre an appearance of importance and credibility. In any case, this is what they had to say this time: “We say, let’s continue the pensions, no matter what point you are at. Because in the end, once you have your back against the wall, all our guys who don’t have money do things that way. The decisions are Terrible, terrible speed. It’s more difficult for those who have the money. It’s actually putting your back against the wall. And now you know you don’t have a pension, you’ve drawn it and you’ll draw it every time, and if you’re mentally strong you’ll do much bigger things, but I’ll tell you more than that — To tell the truth, I don’t trust the pension. I don’t know what will eventually happen to this company that I deposit the pension there, I don’t know if I’ll get it in the end, and I prefer instead to receive this poor allowance of I don’t know how much 8-7 – 6-5-4, to generate properties worth several good millions from it and receive tens of thousands in rent. This pension is actually money that is yours, why not generate money from the money you have?”. 44 seconds which are a kind of stream of consciousness.

It could be dismissed with a shrug. To say that these are just two young guys looking for easy prey. This video does have 25,000 views, but it’s only 25,000 views. Less than hundreds of thousands or a million views on TikTok is not really viral.

That’s what I thought at first, when I decided to ignore it and moved on, to the next video. But then I realized I was wrong. Because this video received a lot of response videos, from people who explained why Dean and Mick’s advice is very dangerous, it is doubtful whether it meets the rules of regulation, and why it should not be listened to under any circumstances. Dean and Mick jumped on it, used the traffic of those who went against them and created their own response videos, in which they insisted on this thing with the pension and explained why those who want to make big money will not settle for the mediocre money they will receive in the future. It’s a loop that feeds itself.

And as mentioned, there are countless such videos, of countless users, who shot a lot of videos at once, in the same clothes, each lasting half a minute to 45 seconds. I have dived so deep into this rabbit hole that I have already seen videos of the people whose service they sell is to produce such videos, marketing packages that include setting up a fake podcast set and shooting a bunch of videos in sequence, such that you can upload them for a whole month. There is a whole machine here that works to produce this content – and push it to young people and teenagers who are on Tiktok all day. Everywhere they come across this promise to make a hit quickly and easily, you just have to buy some course.

#Lets #hit #Calcalist #supplement

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