Even in the Parliament, the racist speech against LGBTQI people was heard

by time news

Elena Akrita reacted to the abusive role against LGBTQI that was heard even from the floor of the Parliament.

From floor of the Parliament the state parliamentarian and Deputy Head of the Justice Department of SYRIZA-PS, Elena Akrita, denounced the homophobic, transphobic and abusive speech by parliamentarians of far-right parties which manifested itself during the work of the Committee on Public Administration, Public Order and Justice for the elaboration of the draft law on equality in civil marriage.

In particular, at the 2nd meeting of the Committee, during the hearing of representatives of the LGBTI community, the deputies of the far-right parties, especially of the Hellenic Solution, indulged in transphobic, homophobic comments and remarks against the agencies, allegedly in the form of questions and queries. Mr. Sarakis, in fact, made extremely abusive and vulgar reports about animal cruelty and pedophilia.

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What happened provoked the reaction of the rest of the parliamentarians, while Elena Akrita, rapporteur on behalf of the official opposition, strongly protested at the Bureau of the Commission about what was heard forcing the Hellenic Solution to fold and request the deletion of designations from the minutes.

In any case, as the representatives of the organizations pointed out, it is shocking that the verbal abuse of LGBTI people can be done even in the halls of the Greek parliament, a fact that is absolutely indicative of the dangers that the LGBTI community has faced in its daily life for decades.

“We are abused outside, inside the Greek Parliament we will not be abused” said Anna Apergi, President of the Transgender Support Association.

The restoration of equality and the rights of all Greek citizens is more urgent than ever, as is the activation of all democratic parties and bodies to denounce and marginalize abusive homophobic speech and intimidation, wherever it originates.

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