The CAC expressed “concern” about the fall of the Omnibus Law 2024-02-08 17:57:00

by time news

The Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services (CAC) expressed his “worry” Given the failure of the treatment of the Omnibus Law in Congress, he pointed out against the “personal miseries” and considered that the country needs “fundamental changes”.

He did so through a statement, where expressed his concern about the setback suffered by the legislative treatment of the project “Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines”which he had previously endorsed.

“The Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services expresses its concern about the setback that the treatment of the draft Bases Law registered the day before yesterday in the National Congress. As he timely pointed out, The entity coincides with the orientation of the initiative in question, focused on ordering our country and liberalizing our economy, so he considers that what happened on Tuesday is a negative sign“, the writing began.

Subsequently, the CAC highlighted the importance of parliament as the scenario where the heterogeneity of the country is reflected. However, he pointed out the need to avoid endless debates and “reach agreements” for “to get out of the situation of frank decadence in which we are.”

“The CAC considers that Argentina is at a critical moment in its historywhere we can choose to continue on the downward path that we have been on for too many years or begin to reverse our reality,” the document added.

Later, they noted that “The Executive Branch needs tools to carry out the essential transformations” to implement for, they assure, “get over this sad presentand many of those tools require legislative approval.”

In this framework, the institution chaired by Natalio Grinman urged “the political leadership to act with the responsibility and greatness that the current moment demands“.

The omnibus law was dissolved and Milei added fuel to the war with the governors with the removal of transportation subsidies

“It is not about uncritically validating any idea that the Executive presents, but it does recognize that Argentina needs fundamental changes and that President Milei’s proposal received overwhelming support at the polls less than three months ago“, the text highlighted.

In closing, the Chamber emphasized the need for “officialism, opposition and society as a whole” with “take charge of the role in this historical momentwhich requires high-level debate, make the greatest efforts to achieve consensus and prioritize the well-being of the whole“.

“In other words, assume a patriotic attitude. We must not allow personal miseries or the petty defense of a particular interest undermine the possibilities of progress of our beloved nation,” the statement concluded.

The omnibus law fell but the adjustment continues

It is not the first time that the Argentine Chamber of Commerce and Services has shown itself in favor of some measure by the libertarian president. In fact, the entity also gave its endorsement to DNU 70/2023 and even appeared before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (CSJN) en calidad de friend of the court in the cases presented by the CGT and the CTA. This, with the objective of defend the labor reforms that it included before Justice.

“We are convinced that The changes being promoted in labor matters will lead to the creation of more jobsin existing and new companies to be formed, bringing benefits to the salaried sector, especially the formalization of labor relations“, said the CAC in a statement issued on Friday, January 19.

RS / Gi

2024-02-08 17:57:00

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