Weather forecast, weekend with the cyclone Pulcinella: after 20 days the rain returns across Italy

by time news

2024-02-08 08:33:08

Fat Thursday: a long phase of bad weather begins and the Carnival also begins; the word Carnival derives from the Latin ‘Carnem Levare’, which can be translated more or less as ‘eliminating meat’ during Lent, a 40-day period of fasting and penance that precedes Holy Easter.

Andrea Garbinatoeditorial manager of the website, therefore confirms the coincidence of the return of the rains with Carnival: from Shrove Thursday to Shrove Tuesday we will be able to ‘get fat’ enjoying the joys of food but we will do so in cyclonic conditions, with bad weather associated with wind and precipitation throughout Italy.

The Cyclone that will bring about this worsening will be called Pulcinella, like the mask from Acerra (Naples) famous for its friendliness, simplicity and carnival cunning. But the cyclone will not be pleasant, on the contrary it will bring strong disturbed conditions with more than 100 mm of rain in the North, strong winds throughout the country and heavy snowfall in the Alps. The sea will also become very rough or agitated, with a gradual worsening starting from next few hours and with the peak between Friday afternoon and Sunday.

The first light rainfall is expected in the next few hours from Campania to Liguria, with some more intense phenomena close to the northern Apennines; from the evening the bad weather will arrive in the North-West with a night of open umbrellas.

Friday 9 February the cyclone Pulcinella will still be far from Italy but will manage to activate very humid southern winds: rain is expected in the North-West and in Tuscany in the morning, also extending to the North-East during the day and towards Sardinia. The winds will blow up to a Scirocco gale.

The peak of the bad weather, as mentioned, will arrive in weekend with the cyclone Pulcinella deepening up to 986 hPa on the Ligurian Sea and subsequently slowly moving towards the Central Adriatic: this very low pressure will unleash even stronger winds in particular on Sicily and Sardinia with a lively situation across the country.

We will therefore experience a rainy Carnival, we will find a wet Pulcinella with the most abundant accumulations in the North, on the Tyrrhenian side and on the Major Islands; as mentioned, the winds will be strong and more than a meter of fresh snow will fall in the Alps, with lots of ‘white confetti’ in the shape of flakes!


Thursday 8. In the north: often overcast and/or foggy skies, rain in the evening in the North West. In the center: gradually sunnier. In the south: lots of sun from the afternoon.

Friday 9. In the north: widespread rain, snow in the mountains. In the center: worsens in Tuscany and Umbria with rain. In the south: sunny, a few more clouds in Campania.

Saturday 10. In the north: bad weather. In the center: bad weather. In the south: bad weather.

Trend: cyclone Pulcinella and general bad weather, attenuation of the phenomena during the new week

#Weather #forecast #weekend #cyclone #Pulcinella #days #rain #returns #Italy

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