Antonis Kanakis: “The Boomers” will be a new show without being a new show”

by time news

“In other words, you should know that at 8 in the evening it has “Radio Arvyla”/”Boomers”, without being completely sure which of the two” said Antonis Kanakis.

Antonis Kanakis spoke to and Grigoris Melas about his new show, which he announced on yesterday’s Radio Arvyla, and will be called “Boomers”. Specifically, yesterday, Wednesday, February 7, on the Radio Arvyla show, Antonis Kanakis said that today the successful satirical show will not be aired, but a new one called Boomers.

What are boomers? In fact, boomers are those who were born from 1946 to 1964, i.e. the “post-war generation”, or with the more… Greek approach it is referred to as the “Polytechnicion generation”.

I have to point out that the term boomers is very popular online… as opposed to the later generations, the Millenials, (born 1980-1995) and Generation Z (1996 to 2010) use the boomer address for older people, roughly as we used to say the phrase “barba”.

So it is certainly interesting to see the … boomer-ist approach of the Thessaloniki group and their “look” at various current issues … but not only.

So a few hours before the premiere of the new show, with the Boomers getting ready at 20:00 to welcome the viewers on the frequency of ANT1, I contacted the creator of the show, Antonis Kanakis who, speaking exclusively to, revealed what the Boomers are and how different their new show will be from Radio Arbyla, saying:

“First of all, I want to underline how funny it is that now, after 17 years of starting this tradition with “Radio Arbyla”, it is almost forbidden for me to start anything on TV, if I don’t first answer these questions. As we said on air, “The Boomers” will (unfortunately or fortunately) be us again, who are so boomers that we’re not sure if we’re really boomers or some other class of dinosaur.

“The Boomers” will be a new show without being a new show. That’s why we decided to have it come out suddenly as if nothing happened.

It will be an offshoot or variant of “Radio Arbyla”. It will have a lot in common with him but it will also be interspersed with some other things and certainly, when it wants to, it will be able to move outside the satirical context. But even we don’t know how it will develop, because our shows always have a “life” of their own and they lead us too, we don’t just lead them”.

How did you decide to release the Boomers show just before the end of the season?

It was a spontaneous decision. So let something slightly new come into our lives. Besides, the second half of the season has just started and as strange as it sounds as a motivation, the new space that was built, our new TV set, also played a role.

You have piqued my curiosity with the “set”. Will you… betray something?

As always it is handmade. I really enjoy creating spaces and decorating them anyway and I especially love making sets for our shows. We all loved this scene. It’s very warm and takes us back in time, just like “Vinyl”, but in a different way.

What is important, is that all the objects inside the scenery are not props/replicas, but authentic old objects, some of them very old and rare, which we collected slowly and with a lot of searching.

Also, it is probably the first scene on television, where the control room is integrated.

When will ‘The Boomers’ air?

This is the million dollar question. Because, as I said, this show is in some way an extension/variation of “Radio Arvyla” that is directly connected to it, we want it to be in our own consciousness, but also in the world, an entity with “Radio Arvyla” and analogous to it’s also planning.

In other words, you should know that at 8 in the evening it has “Radio Arvyla”/”Boomers”, without being completely sure which of the two.

I know these are strange things for television, where everything is planned with absolute precision months in advance, but doesn’t it have a beauty and something more spontaneous?

What about Vinyl?

Our favorite “Vinyl” as we said, this year we didn’t air it, because we felt that the cycles of the show so far, with the last one of the tributes, were completed. When we get it back on the air, we want it to start its next cycle, which will most likely be next season. But for the current season, there’s a serious case for a breakout show or two.

So this is what Antonis Kanakis told me a few hours before 8 pm when the Boomers will make their television debut on ANT1 and we justifiably expect that they will do… Boom… also with their new television proposition.

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