Warming up and preparing psychologically and physically to commemorate the victorious revolution 2024-02-02 10:24:06

by time news

No one desires prison, as it may become a stopping point in a person’s life, in the eyes of many, and stopping here is limited to the material side of life. The prisoner stops working and does not enjoy the salary and other benefits, and the detainee may not be able to continue his studies, or make plans for his personal life, so he does not He can build a house, for example, or continue studying. In the eyes of many, this cessation means that the detained individual lags behind his peers in the financial aspect of his life. They miss that other aspects of a person may develop in prison, if he is conscious and aware of the importance of his existence within a narrow environment in which only fighters like him live who have a goal in life represented by striving to change society and the nation and not be limited to self-change. Many people avoid going to prison by refraining from playing a political or social role that exposes them to the wrath of the tyrannical ruler, who does not allow others to criticize him or question his policies, or to carry out field work such as demonstrating, protesting, and writing pamphlets, which may affect his position and may lead to the downfall of his rule. Some also seek to avoid arrest to avoid the harsh treatment that awaits them after arrest. This may be one of the greatest sources of anxiety for the average citizen who listens to stories of torture and abuse and is terrified by it.

Whatever the case, poets and thinkers often sing of political prisoners who are imprisoned because of their opinions or positions. There are many local and international organizations that are established to provide psychological, moral, and material support to political detainees who are called “prisoners of conscience,” meaning that their arrest is due to their opinion and not their commission of a violation, misdemeanor, or crime punishable by law. Free poets sang about people who were arrested because of their opinions, and one of them became an example of sacrifice, redemption, giving, and providing the highest ideal for humanity. Although most detainees are not shackled with iron except in rare cases, the political detainee is often portrayed as if he is carrying shackles on his wrists, and this perception is reflected in general culture, especially poetry. The verses of the Iraqi poet Muhammad Mahdi Al-Jawahiri stand out in this area, when he says:

Peace be upon one who is burdened with iron and rises like a victorious leader

As if the iron on his wrists were the keys to a bright future

It is certain that prisons in the current era are different from those in previous eras, especially the first centuries after the advent of Islam. At that time, the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphs practiced the most horrific atrocities against political detainees, especially the Alawites, and used torture that could only be described as sadism and brutality. However, what happens in Bahraini prisons sometimes reaches the level of sadism and reflects the revenge mentality of the Khalifa tyrants. How ugly is what they did to Bahraini political detainees, especially in the months before the start of the revolution and the first years after it. Methods of torture, abuse, and humiliation still arouse anger and disgust, including beating, hanging, using electrical tools, and being forced to stand for hours and perhaps days. It even reached the point where the executioner urinated in the prisoners’ mouths. This is in addition to cursing, cursing, and insulting the faith of the political prisoner.

Despite this, prison was, for many, an opportunity for self-purification and self-development, whether through worship, group study, writing and writing, or adapting oneself to modest living and staying away from materialism and consumption. The behavior of Bahraini political detainees reveals an advanced pattern of nobility, chivalry, and morals. Their belief in the cause for which they were imprisoned deepened, and they became more determined to change to end the black Caliph era, for which they paid with their long imprisonment and merciless torture. They also became more aware of the nation’s issues, and that the end of them will not be fixed unless they fix the beginning. While they were in queues of torture, they did not hesitate to declare their positions in support of the oppressed in the world. In a statement they issued last week from the notorious Jaw Prison, the heroic prisoners expressed their strong solidarity with Jerusalem and the Holy Lands surrounding it, considering it an Islamic and humanitarian trust. The statement stated that preserving and defending this trust is a heavenly Muhammadan message, and that conspiring against it is a separation from this heavenly message and belonging to the camp of arrogance and injustice. The detainees indicated in their statement that “sound human instinct rejects the alignment of the people of falsehood in the final evil alliance directed to protect the criminal Zionists in the Red Sea from the defense of the people of truth in a time in which chivalry and dignity have diminished and religion has been replaced by the dollar, and true principles have been replaced by aberrations and narrow, bad interests.” The statement concluded with a call for steadfastness in true values, humanitarian and religious principles, and the necessity of continuous struggle for justice and freedom, despite the challenges and pressures they face behind bars.

This statement confirms the facts mentioned about the conscious prisoners who fulfilled what they promised God. Some of them died, some of them are waiting, and they did not change anything. It is an expression of the depth of awareness and human feelings of these oppressed people, and in doing so they place the people before their responsibility, thus contributing to breaking the artificial barriers between the people of the nation, and subconsciously linking the issues of Palestine and Bahrain. In this way, they contribute to breaking the thorn of falsehood, injustice, and tyranny, and impose a new – old equation in the struggle that the nation’s crisis is one, its struggle is one, and its fate is one. They also prove that freedom is the demand of the peoples rising up for it and that it is a right granted by God to His servants, so no one has the right to take it away. At a time when the soldiers of the nation’s enemies are uniting to break its will and confiscate its right to freedom and a dignified existence, words of faith and honesty penetrate the walls of prisons to make the ears of time hear that freedom is an expression of the deep feeling of the right to a dignified life that achieves the sincere worship of God and defeats tyrants, no matter how branched they may be. The oppressor may exaggerate his oppression, injustice, and ferocity, and may torture his victims with brutality and sadism, but he is unable to break the power of a people determined to gain their freedom and regain their rights. This people did not feel a shred of fear or terror when the Al-Khalifi tyrant and his gang committed the crime of normalization with the enemy, declared their affiliation with the occupier and disavowed the oppressed. These actions only accelerate their downfall after their criminal decision contributed to deepening the state of separation between two groups: one of them belongs to faith and humanity and clings to freedom, and the second insists on oppression, aggression and injustice. In this ongoing battle, people of faith stand firm, and the oppressor only increases his injustice in losing.

In the battle of dignity and honor, the fronts of struggle expand, the sleepers wake up, and the free people move forward with a rush based on faith with the aim of imposing a new reality whose effects the tyrants are unable to contain. The people of Bahrain have become the decision-makers in many of their issues and the nation’s issues, so their masses come out in protest against the Zionist occupation, and do not wait for the approval of the Khalifites, who consider them an enemy allied with the Zionists. These free people declare without fear their support for every people that defends their freedom and dignity. They support the people of Yemen who sacrificed for their liberation from Saudi hegemony, and insist on expanding their responsibilities. They consider that supporting the people of Palestine is a national duty that cannot be neglected. Thus, they are the heroic people of Gaza who defied the evil alliance supporting the Zionist occupation, exposed the workers of tyrannical regimes, and refused to give up their right to be liberated from the occupation. Thus, the doctrine of truth and freedom deepens in the souls of the free people of Bahrain who broke the wall of fear and rebelled against the Khalifa tyranny, and laid their lives on their hands every day as they demonstrated, protested, and chanted against the tyrant and demanded his downfall. It is another chapter in the epic Bahraini struggle whose lines were written by the blood of the martyrs, and whose luminous pages continue to grow brighter and more proud, pushing the young generation to the front of the struggle without fear or apprehension. This pattern of giving and sacrifice will continue until the country is liberated from the Caliphate tyranny and its supporters. The people will confirm this in their upcoming events to commemorate the thirteenth anniversary of their victorious revolution, God Almighty willing.

Oh God, have mercy on our righteous martyrs, make them sincere with You, and release the chains of our prisoners, O Lord of the Worlds

Ahrar Bahrain Islamic Movement

February 2, 2024

2024-02-02 10:24:06

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