Understanding the Link Between Psychological Stress and Illness: How Stress Can Impact Your Health

by time news

2024-02-09 19:00:00

  • 24vita
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    Worry and stress can be extremely stressful. Researchers have now investigated which type of stress is particularly harmful to health.

    Rest is important for the body’s survival. The immune system needs phases of regeneration in order to fend off pathogens sufficiently well. And chronic illnesses can also be triggered by persistent stress. High blood pressure as a risk factor for heart attack and stroke is one of the best-known stress-related conditions. But diabetes and serious mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression are also promoted by chronic stress.

    Therefore, you should pay attention to a good balance between stressful and relaxing phases. But this is difficult for many people to implement. Work, family and everyday life place so many demands on many people that there is little room for their own needs. Relaxation is often neglected. As a result, more and more people are constantly stressed – which has a detrimental effect on their health.

    Stress caused by psychological stress promotes illness

    A British research team led by Odessa S. Hamilton from the Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care at University College London has determined which type of stress is particularly harmful to the body. The knowledge portal presented six particularly common triggers for psychological stress GEO According to the focus:

    • Bereavement in the family
    • Financial worries
    • Prolonged illness
    • divorce
    • Caring for a relative
    • Own disability

    Financial worries can put enormous strain on the lives of those affected – and can also make them sick. © Kasper Ravlo/Imago

    For their survey, the researchers analyzed stress-specific blood values ​​from around 5,000 adults. These include inflammation and cortisol levels. Levels were elevated in those who experienced excessive levels of stress. “After adjusting for genetic predisposition, sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle and health, higher levels of stress were associated with a 61 percent higher risk of belonging to the high-risk profile four years later compared to the low-risk profile,” say the study authors. People with high-risk profile were prone to developing health problems.

    Financial pressure emerged as a particularly sensitive factor. Even among people who otherwise had no other concerns, this one aspect exacerbated the risk profile to an above-average extent, he said GEO-Report. One reason for this could be that financial worries affect several important areas of life.

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    “Psychosocial stress can disrupt the communication signals between the immune, nervous and endocrine systems that are responsible for maintaining homeostasis. This dysregulation can create a negative feedback loop between the individual systems, which carries a high pathological risk,” the study authors concluded.

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    This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

    #Financial #stress #strong #chronic #illness

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