EXILE | Freedom – 2024-02-10 01:52:08

by times news cr

2024-02-10 01:52:08


Of those expelled from heaven

life is exile

if you want

drive if you want

you want to live

sleep if you want

write and create if you want

I mean,

of those expelled from heaven

we are in hell

sometimes in the pain of hearts,

sometimes we are in your eyes,

Tears also have a way,

the eyes are the womb of suffering,

earth is a grave,

cheeks are desert


made a breakthrough

walking face down

our life

from the womb of suffering

a road to earth

I mean,

the path of a tear

is as long as

and this is hell

separation is far away,

it rains on the roads you pass,

the snow on the unwritten side of the forehead…

I was expelled from the paradise garden of my soul,

I went straight, climbed the mountain, crossed the road,

I passed through the virgin land of Africa,

I came from China and India.

I left my palace like Isabel,

I combed my paths like a light breeze,

like a flood from the mouth of the mountains,

I have reached my destiny.

God’s hope is left behind,

the worm is pressing, the showers are falling on it,

I saw the floods-waters flow murky,

Friends also got involved in this water…

I came

Our brave gas commits suicide,

our sustenance comes out of the stone again every day,

I saw a knot, buy our article,

I saw that my white hair was tangled, I came.

I didn’t have enough patience when my eyebrows darkened,

after receiving a bribe from God,

I didn’t come for a bellyful of bread,

I came fighting with myself.

It is the breath of the road

is the soul of the way out,

man’s glory in the world,

and it recognizes fingerprints.

They say planes fly straight,

where you sit

you are on your way to the future

age comes on the road,

it’s like you’re walking in the mouth of a crocodile

neither wife nor brother comes after him,

you know, those next to you are not friends,

you know friend you from the gallows

saved and enjoying it,

the rest is color, that is, it is a lie!

Yes, planes fly in a straight line,

straight line,

of the curved line

hanged on the gallows

the way we go

like a verse

to our own forehead

from new line,

luck, fate

written in the old alphabet.

Clouds are close in airplanes,

the clouds are like a cotton ball,

seas, lakes

the clouds are the spirit in the sky,

the yeast was from the tears in the eyes,

the black one is full,

network too,

just a sigh is enough

it destroys the heavens…

I knew I was dew on the leaves,

I knew I was a breeze at dawn

I’m finer than a mint leaf, yes

filled with the air of the homeland, cheerful,

I was my father’s favorite child

I was the light of my mother’s eye,

I had love, love in me,

I wouldn’t care for the swallows,

I still don’t know what he’s hoping for

of those created by the great creator.

Your hands that write the truth, your pencil arms,

I was the most fragile verse, line,

I was not the flower of your garden,

I am not a rose, but the fragrance of roses

I was in the song of the oldest waters,

I am the water and the taste of the spring,

we are hugged by so many flowers

oh, I’m the one who was born, and I’m the one who remembers,

it grew and grew in our yard,

spread out leaves on all four sides,

see how love is, blackberry bush,

how many ways have you hugged my neck

how many ways have you scratched my hand.

Your beloved country, your beautiful country,

I loved autumn, I loved winter,

snakes, beetles,

I loved the bird flapping its wings in the sky,

I loved the neighbor who hated me.

With birds, trees, people

motherland is motherland

with raging floods,

with swift tongues,

his village, with his hands,

motherland is motherland

I brought my pain with me

I did not let it remain in the hands of orphans,

I said, let it blow like the wind in the deserts,

I said, let him stay in the fields like me,

They say that the homeland is the hell of the expatriate.

when my place is home

I didn’t prepare for abroad

I was not ready for separation, hard work,

tsunamis of butterfly wings

may arise from the sum of

I couldn’t be the wind, I couldn’t be the wind,

in a country with broken sails,

and the place of the innocent is hell at last,

that is, expatriate…

The foreigner does not tell me fairy tales,

The motherland does not call me a son!


I am silent like a prisoner with the last word in his mouth,

is my trust

I have no secret to reveal

I have a lot to say

is my peace

I talk to girls with my eyes

girls are burning

I look at it, it catches fire, I burn,

stroking my hair

playing with my eyebrows

I can’t bring it

the hungry birds of the foreigner,

magpies meet,

crows, pigeons,

familiar thrushes,

(the mad devil says

come, speak the language of these birds,)

and a nightingale’s voice,

since the snow falls early this winter

the nest of these birds is left in the field,

the leaves of the trees have joined the fall,

My longing has become a winged bird in this foreigner’s hand,

I started snarling like a monkey

sick officer yelling at me

I couldn’t bark at him

I started to growl like a dog

that’s how we learned each other’s language,

so we saw it turn to ice

our warm place,

my head

turned into a graveyard of native words,

tongue headstone,

keyed, locked,

It’s like a frozen turtle that will rise again someday,

see how they roll their tongues

a man who can talk for sixty years,

see how they become dumb in a day

facial expression,

I understand foreignness with the movement of my hands,

rubbing myself like this

this is how I deceive foreigners…

Chechen Yunus,

arab mohammed

Persian lord Soleiman,

Mogdat from Morocco,

Afghan Khaled,

african Mamadu,

who else, who else

we are all strangers in European lands,

we are all human

all that is left in our eyes is our wishful thinking,

we all wander from our destiny,

we eat from a bowl,

to the humane state that owns us,

we bow and say goodbye

we are humiliated together,

in a lonely place

ourselves a beggar

somewhere we think

no one asks

they have a homeland

what are they looking for here, what are they walking around,

and thus tames us,

they string us up

sometimes we clap to other songs,

our voices grow louder

we humble ourselves

we forget the passing of the years,

speed of time

it’s playful love

the expatriate’s love for refugees…

Again the air of parting came,

I’m addicted to being bored again

one night on the day of the roaring bull,

I am the sound of a snake howling in the night.

One morning he woke up,

I’m walking in search of food,

my friends are anxiously searching

they can’t even find it when the brow darkens.

I sing in the language of the waters,

I write poetry in the language of flowers,

I’m in the language city of my destiny,

so I have gone astray.

I’m alone here

after all

how many people are with me

I have water and bread in front of me every day,

I have food like an animal every day.

Look how I’m doing, look how I’m doing

cry for my poor state, my motherland,

clouds flutter, thunder rolls,

take care of my eyes, oh motherland.

I took my head and went on the road,

I’m a strange wayfarer this evening

the train does not run from here to there,

Expatriation is the last stop of separation…

To myself that I left in my homeland

now i’m watching from afar

took my new name

like a stray bull

I join you

wolves eat

the lamb that is separated from the flock,

I saw a sweeper yesterday

the beautiful Afghan girl,

an Armenian beauty was wiping the windows,

like chopping onions

the Uzbek lady’s eyes were watering,

I got the color of the leaves like a worm,

so as not to be eaten by birds and worms

I didn’t let the light in my heart go out,

on the face of the waves

will the sun burn

the ways that lead me

will he return it?

In prison, my eyes do not move from the door,

does not collect from the roads abroad,

it rains just like us,

separate views,

separated relations,

various calamities,

People who don’t know my name call me Azerbaijan.

I know that my mother is telling me

they are considered refugees here

from his village, valley,

the man who ran away from the mountains and plains,

they are considered refugees here

the man who runs away from himself,

i turn violet when i stand in line for food

when babies bend their necks at the table,

from chicken that smelled when eaten,

I am ashamed of the wealth of my country,

I am ashamed of my country

From my talent to fall in love.

I joined the colors, I was never chosen,

the single melts in the crowd,

what’s good, I killed myself when I arrived

I knew they would kill abroad…

This world is no place to stop, yeah

Suffering in the homeland is also a separate pleasure,

what comes must go, what goes must come

everything in the world is a substitute.

My perverse thoughts have gone mad,

it’s raining on my hair, winter’s gray

they kicked me out of the country, they kicked me out,

Just like they expelled Adam from paradise.

They chased, chased like a miserable dog,

I resented the willow, the elm,

my tongue runs down my throat like a thread,

hanged from a gallows the size of the country.

I have moans and sighs,

there is sweat on my forehead that counts tears,

I have moments when I come back to myself,

I turn and revive memories.

Everything in the world has its own name,

what is bad is not being exalted in one’s own name,

strangeness was the wing of a fishbowl,

is not being able to fly like a bird…

I didn’t know your streets before,

sunny days

moonlit and starry nights,

I missed the winds too,

opened the flowers in a different way,

strange was the song of the birds, strange, strange,

the joy of life was strange, strange, strange,

the black girls I fell into

his body was foreign, his breath was foreign, foreign,

I couldn’t recognize the fruits either,

I didn’t know what kind of meat was being sold.

what’s the point of waiting

this is the end of my life

my dream is in the beauties of my country,

my eyes are fixed on a beauty,

my poor dog doesn’t know either

a stranger left on the edge of the world,

when he came he was as majestic as a mountain,

like a lofty, unyielding mountain,

now lost in himself

now lost in himself

howls like a mountain lark,

it’s time to be born, i’m in the womb

build a lifetime from every layer,

i’m in another life’s paradise

I couldn’t survive my life…

My heart is broken

I drank blue

a drop of tear,

Life is a drink,

I was sore

I moaned

come on i said

Come, my beauty, the stranger is alone here, come

Here, the eyes of a stranger led the way, come.

I drew furrows and plowed my forehead,

Ajab, ajab must be watered, come on.

The owl inside me howls every night,

The desolate heart planted a radish in my head, come.

My four sides are Alp-Aruz with Yalincik,

Beyrakdi in the dark dungeon, come.

My mood is changeable, my temper again,

hard as winter, fragile as spring, come.

My dear house is after the earthquake.

my bones, my walls collapsed, come.

Don’t let them say you’re old, darling.

He was as brave as a girl. Come.

We are a woven loop-by-loop carpet,

the foreigner has torn me apart, come on.

didn’t come


water in his eyes weighed down,

could not come

“My heart, which you see as happy, has caught the fire of grief,”

again suffering, again oppression!

Stars have no homeland, no foreign country,

stars have no power to be born again,

last stars

it flows, it flows… it suddenly breaks like flowing honey,

this is our life

flow, flow, flow, break

our lives are built

divided into homeland, divided into foreign countries,

and one day the gates of heaven will open,

we join eternity

…and one day,

exile again…

Brussels, 2021-2022.

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