Miller’s Girl: Defends Jenna Ortega’s sex scene

by time news

A certain scene with Jenna Ortega and Martin Freeman in the new movie Miller’s Girl has created reactions. Now the intimacy coordinator answers.

Recently, it was the premiere of the dark drama comedy Miller’s Girl starring Jenna Ortega (born in 02) and Martin Freeman (born in 71).

The film is about a complicated relationship between a teacher and a student.

During its running time of 90 minutes, viewers witness a rather intimate scene between the two actors.

It has caused several people to react.


In the main, the reactions are about the age difference of both the actors and the characters.

The Hobbit– the actor is, for the record, 31 years older than Jenna.

Among other things, several have taken to X to express how disturbed they were by the scene.

“The one scene in Miller’s Girl actually disturbs me djdjjdjdjd”, writes one X.

“Just saw that scene in Miller’s Girl on my tl wtf is this movie,” reads the reaction of someone who has only seen the scene in question on their timeline.

Now the intimacy coordinator responds Miller’s Girl on the reactions.

Kristina Arjona can assure, among other things, that the 21-year-old Wednesday– star was involved in every single decision when it came to how the scenes would play out.

– There were many, many people involved in this process who spoke to her [Jenna] to make sure she was comfortable. She was very determined and very sure of what she wanted to do, Kristina tells The Daily Mail.

The intimacy coordinator further explains that it is her job to support the actors’ decisions.

– It is part of my job to support the actors’ decisions. I take into account whatever the actors are comfortable with. Especially in such a production where there is a greater age difference between the actors.

Jenna Ortega som Cairo i Miller’s Girl (Lionsgate)

Kristina also points out that it is important to her that no boundaries are crossed and that those involved consent.

– I am very interested in both talents and want to make sure that we consistently check that they never feel that their boundaries are being crossed. And again, make sure that – especially with someone who is so much younger – they give informed consent, Kristina explains.

She also adds that she always gives the actors the opportunity to change their minds if they no longer feel uncomfortable.

Neither Jenna Ortega nor Martin Freeman have commented on the reactions themselves.

You can check out the trailer for Miller’s Girl below.

The film has so far not been premiered in Norway.

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