The person accused in the attack on Bravo says he is innocent: ‘They pulled the hairs on our faces and heads with pliers’ – 2024-02-10 10:20:58

by times news cr

2024-02-10 10:20:58

One of those arrested for the armed attack on the “Bravo” hypermarket in Ahmadli settlement – Azer Mammadov he says that he has nothing to do with the incident and that he does not know any of the persons brought before the court in connection with this crime. According to him, the one who was accused of committing the armed raid and was killed while being caught a few hours after the incident Ruhlan IsmayilovHe has been in prison for more than nine months because of his acquaintance.

The case of seven people accused of killing one person and injuring another as a result of an armed attack on a cashier while loading money into one of the ATMs at the entrance of “Bravo” is being considered in the Baku Serious Crimes Court.

“He didn’t talk all the way”

A. Mammadov is 22 years old. He is engaged in repairing and selling motorcycles, and he says that he met Ruhlan on one of the websites that spread sales announcements. When he opened a repair shop last year, he also hired R. Ismayilov. Although he quit his job two months later, he occasionally came and went to the service station.

As for the incident, A. Mammadov says that he bought spare parts from the car market that day and then went to work: “It was around 1 o’clock in the afternoon, Ruhlan called and said, ‘I’m suffocating from gas, come and take me.’ He was suffocated two months ago. This time, when I went to pick it up, I saw that it was pale and dragging its feet. He said that I will drop him off in “Torgov” (on Nizami street of the capital). I took it too. He didn’t speak all the way. I dropped it off and returned to work at 4-5 o’clock.”

According to A. Mammadov, shortly after coming to work, the police called him and told him that they wanted to meet him about Ruhlan. We went to “Torgovi” and then to Ruhlangil’s house. After that, they brought me to “bandotdel”…”.

A. Mammadov was previously charged with Article 234.4.3 of the Criminal Code (obtaining and possessing a large amount of drugs for the purpose of sale) at the General Directorate of Combating Organized Crime (a place popularly known as “bandotdel”). Later, although other charges related to the attack were added to Bravo, he said that he did not have drugs on him, but that they first abused him with this to formalize his arrest.

Freedom radio

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