Career Progression for Generation Y in the Israeli Job Market: Perspectives from Industry Leaders

by time news

2024-02-10 11:08:47

Among the members of Generation Y, it is difficult to find people who started their career shortly after their first degree and remained in the same workplace for a long period of time, say 10 years. The dynamic job market, the changed lifestyle and especially the perception of the generation of parents who did not leave the workplace until retirement, which seems to have passed away from the world, shook the concept of “career”. Still, there are many organizations that actually encourage the growth and promotion of employees within the organization, from the agenda that it is a win-win, both for the development of the employee’s career and for the company.

“We see two major processes that today affect the turnover of employees and workplaces. The first is the employers who do not give enough emphasis to the retention of employees and do not invest in what is important to them in recent years, such as a balance between home and work, and building a career path that will give them an occupational horizon in the company,” explains Limor Barzilai, VP of management consulting at the consulting company Aviv from Matrix.

Limor Barzilai (Photo: Yifat Yogev)

“The second process is the entry of the last two generations, the Millennials and Generation Z, into the labor market. These are people who greatly value their self-worth, their well-being is important to them, they want to advance quickly and think about what they get out of work. This generation exhausts things quickly, from the range of stimuli His is high, he has no patience, and therefore the employees jump from place to place, from position to position in order to get what they want. It is important to emphasize that this is a very high-quality generation that is connected to technology and understands the world, and the combination of personality characteristics together with the capabilities and the attractive offer on the market in the worlds of technology to which they are connected, allows For them to afford not to stay in one workplace.”

Especially in a market with high heat

“And when the supply is high, it feels easier and more convenient to leave because you know there is a secure livelihood. On the other hand, and despite the importance of the industrial sector to the Israeli economy, there is no longer much heavy industry in Israel and it is mainly located in the geographic periphery. The employment and turnover options in the industry are limited compared to the technology companies, and leaving a place Work raises concerns about finding employment elsewhere. Seniority at work in the worlds of industry is often longer because of the few options available to workers, which keep them in the same place for many years.”

Seniority saves money

“Veteran employees bring two significant advantages to the organization,” adds Barzilai, “one is the great value of professionalism and experience, and the more veteran the employee, the more value he brings and the more effective his work, and the second is cost savings for hiring new employees and reducing the chain that includes employee turnover, Investment of managerial energy, training period and overlap, professionalization and gaining experience, because it takes time for the employee to reach the peak of his effectiveness. To these two can also be added the high index of commitment and loyalty of veteran employees.”

In your opinion, will the current situation in Israel have any future significance on the elections?
“The benefits for employees in maintaining an existing workplace are in the sense of belonging and economic security. No one knows what the future holds, especially during a time of war, and the next two years are going to be complex in the security, economic and political aspects. It is very possible that the political and political situation will trigger significant transformations and changes in the perception of work also in The younger generation, then loyalty to the organization will take on a more significant place. Today’s events are a defining turning point, and employees will appreciate the safe place, so their loyalty index will also rise thanks to the anchor of a stable and permanent workplace – the organization takes care of them, unlike many freelancers whose stories we have been exposed to since the beginning of the war and are in financial uncertainty”.

How should the organizations act?
“In order to retain employees in organizations as much as possible, employers need to manage managerial and professional career paths for employees in a formal and transparent manner. Employees want to see their horizons in the company and build their future together with the management through personal, professional and managerial development channels. In order to retain employees, they must reflect their potential The long-term career and the stages over the years, including training, courses and going to subsidized studies. Employees should be given transparent options for professional promotions, for moving between units and even for changing careers within the organization.”

For example, the Alma company, which employs about 350 workers in Israel, has a high percentage of veteran workers. Over a third of the company’s employees have been working there for over 10 years, and this is a significant number. Lizzie Slickter, director of operations and sales at the company, is one of them. Selector’s first role was logistics handling, and transportation of products returning from the distributor in Israel. Eight years later, Slickter was appointed Director of Operations and Sales at Alma. As part of her role, she is currently responsible for 23 employees and leading four different departments.

Lizzie Slickter-Alma (Photo: Yeh’ach Alma)

From the warehouse to the management

“Alma is a company whose DNA strives to promote employees from within the company and it invests many resources in this. Among other things, by providing a horizon for progress and personal development, providing courses and training for employees and managers, and a corporate culture that gives employees the opportunity to express themselves and feel a sense of family,” explains Slickter, who during her 12 years at the company performed various roles in the operations department, founded the RMA unit that handles product returns from distributors around the world , later received an additional position as the manager of the customer relations department and then took it upon herself to manage the planning, supervision and production department (TPI) and in addition received responsibility for managing the market forecasts in the department.

As a manager who accepts new employees to the team, do you also look at the long term or only?
“First of all, as a manager, when I’m looking for a new employee for the department, I will always first check the options to promote an employee from within the company. When you hire a person who knows the company and identifies with the company’s DNA – the chances of success in the position will be much higher and the training will be shorter. Out of 23 employees that I manage, 10 employees were promoted from within the organization. I have three client case managers on my team who started out as production/warehouse workers. For me, leadership within the organization is a win-win because it is known that usually an investment of several months is required before an employee is accepted into a new position and here the training is shorter. In addition, the employee himself understands the promotion, personal development and leadership options in the company and stays for a long time.”

Is it not possible to progress faster by switching between several companies?
“I believe that there is great value for the employee and the company when the employee can advance, grow and develop within the organization. From the company’s side, employee retention is essential, because any replacement of an employee involves an investment of time and money and sometimes many months until the previous productivity is returned. What about the employee’s side – I I believe that it is definitely better to move forward and develop within the company. Starting a new position in a new company is challenging, and practically requires rebuilding yourself and sometimes also entering an organization whose organizational culture does not match what you knew and were looking for. If you have found an organization whose values ​​you identify with, you feel good about coming For work every morning, I recommend looking for the promotion horizon within the current place. It is important to emphasize in this context the employee’s communication with the manager. Employees who want to advance in the organization must tell their managers explicitly about their ambitions, be ready to enter and learn new worlds and, of course, invest.”

In today’s employment landscape, Bezeq International Tech stands out among the technology companies: among the employees in the organization, 45% have more than 10 years of experience and 31% have more than 15 years of experience. “There is no secret here, there is hard work here to create an enabling work environment that looks at managing employees in a humane way,” says Liat Hinitz Abrahami, director of the company’s human resources department. “Our employees have a special DNA, these are people who are connected by their roots to the organization, and we as a company try to cultivate this as much as possible. We always strive to provide our employees with opportunities for internal promotion, when the percentage of internal promotion in the company is about 70%.”

Liat Hinitz (Photo: Yonatan Blum)

start from the bottom

The examples at Bezeq International of employees who started their careers from field positions and progressed to senior positions in the company are many, when only recently Ron Gelb, the company’s CEO, appointed his management hive, which includes four new VPs, most of whom grew up in the company. Galev, by the way, is also an example of a person who grew in the organization from his joining as a business development manager 10 years ago to his appointment as the company’s CEO about a year ago. Hinitz-Abrahimi, by the way, of course, also started 19 years ago at the company from the bottom.

“As someone who started her career as an office manager for the company’s VP of Human Resources and today performs this role myself, I think the key word here is opportunity. All the knowledge I gained in my current position before entering it I learned here during the positions I held before and in each position I was given the opportunity to prove myself, this is a very important value for the company, to give the employees the feeling that they are trusted, that they have value and importance to make decisions, lead and manage the projects they Responsible for them, learn from them and prove themselves. We constantly strive to maintain this value and also to open the door for employees to new fields and new opportunities. The company makes sure to provide the employees with the authority and training in different and varied content worlds from which the employees can advance laterally, not necessarily in the field of the position from which they started.”

This issue of exposing the employees to different positions than what they did before is increasingly expressed these days after the company decided to change the focus of its business activity. “With every expansion, we try to find candidates who can be promoted in the company, and as part of a job change, we offer employees to learn new tools and new skills, which of course open up new positions in the company and promotion possibilities for them. This dynamism is also the reason why we do not believe in drawing a progression horizon for an employee at the beginning of his career in the company and then starting from there, but instead In fact, to show the employees the living examples of the employees who have advanced, and to be with them every step of the way to push forward.”

And what happens when an employee chooses to leave the organization?
“We love our employees very much and invest a lot in them, so it’s obviously not easy. But we like to look at a desire to leave as an opportunity. Employees who leave the organization for other places know that Bezeq International is home. When they go to work in other places, the employees experience the market from other angles, develop their skills, learn different points of view and also strengthen relationships in different companies that are our business partners or our customers. The sense of belonging that the employee had when he was at Bezeq International creates a desire for the employee who left to continue contact with the company in his new position as well. We also have quite a few cases of employees who chose to leave and after a period of time returned to the company and brought with them new abilities for new and interesting positions so that their time outside also turned out to be something that strengthened them and the organization.”

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