The winners of the Vixen awards 2023

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In her acceptance speech, the cartoonist Frida Marie Grande paid tribute to the influencer Maren Walvik Johnsen, who died last summer.

Frida Marie Grande was named the influencer of the year during the Vixen Awards 2023. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

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Published: 02/09/2024 20:25 | Updated: 02/09/2024 22:59

– She died of cervical cancer after a misinterpreted pap smear and spent her last days encouraging girls to check themselves. I’m sure she has gotten many thousands of girls to test themselves, said this year’s influencer Frida Marie Grande from the stage.

Grande dedicated the award to Walvik Johnsen, who was with her at the Vixen awards last year.

This year, Grande had decorated herself with a Palestinian flag in her hair and the words “Long live Gaza” on her chest. Grande is known for sharing socially relevant drawings on Instagram. Lately, she has made several illustrations about Gaza. She was also awarded a prize in the category “Strong opinions”.

Frida Marie Grande became “influencer of the year” and received the award for “strong opinions” during Vixen 2023. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

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Vixen awards choose influencers in different categories. The nominees are voted for by audience votes and a jury.

The aim of the award ceremony is to highlight people who are good role models within their niches and categories, and who contribute to developing the subject further. In addition, it is a goal to highlight new talents and strong voices.

This year’s award ceremony has set a new record with over 33,000 nominees. 85 finalists are represented in 17 different categories.

Julie Fiala (18) was this year’s influencer in the Beauty category. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

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See all the winners and nominees here:

Influences of the year: Fashion
Alphonse Amuri
Anniken Jørgensen
Nina Sandbach
Sebastian Solberg
Sophie Vollan

This year’s influences: Beauty
Emma Ellingsen
Eveline Karlsen
Julia Fiala
Leah Isadora Behn
Tim Kristian Moen

Emilie Nereng is named this year’s influencer in the food category at the Vixen Awards 2023. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

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This year’s influences: Food
August Borgås and Martin Bryn (August and Martin)
Emilie Nereng
Ole Sirnes
Hungry boys

This year’s influencers: Sport and training
Ingrid Landmark Dental violence
Jørgine Massa Vasstrand
Kasper Kvello
Magnus Midtbø
Odin Kalvø

This year’s influences: Entertainment
Fetisha Williams
Jenny Kingell
Oskar Westerlin
Trygve Bennetsen

Julie Lorentzen is named this year’s influencer in the interior, home and outdoor space category at the Vixen Awards 2023. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

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Influencers of the year: Travel and outdoor life
Elias & Kajsa
Helene Myhre
Julie Valsø
Kristin Harila
Stine and the Earl

Influences of the year: Lifestyle
Elisabeth Asserson Ingebrigtsen
Frida Leonore Næss
Julie Lorentzen
Martine Halvorsen
Selene Fjellvang Lie

This year’s influences: Interior, home and outdoor space
Erik Alfred Tesaker
Julie Lorentzen
Mads Clemmetsen
Stine Ommedal School
Victoria Dam

Kasper Kvello is named this year’s influencer in the sport and exercise category. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

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This year’s influences: Health
Camilla Lorentzen
Frida Marie Grande
Kaveh Rashidi
Maria Abrahamsen
Wasim Zahid

Camilla Pihl is named influencer of the year in the business of the year category at the Vixen Awards 2023. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

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Influencers of the year: Sustainability
Anja Bakken Riise
Hanne-Lene Dahlgren
Ingrid Vik Lysne
Jenny Skavlan
Kristoffer Tvilde

Jenny Skavlan is named this year’s influencer in the sustainability category at the Vixen Awards 2023 Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

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Influencers of the year: Shooting stars
Betina Claesson
Jenny Gehrken
Oliver Bergset
Sophie Stray
Trygve Bennetsen

Selene Fjellvang Lie is named this year’s influencer Lifestyle in the category at the Vixen Awards 2023. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

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This year’s role model
Vidar Kristiansen
Ingrid Syrstad Engen
Selene and Angelika Lie
Gard Øksendal

Frida Marie Grande is named influencer of the year in the category strong opinion of the year at the Vixen Awards 2023. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

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This year’s influences: Business
Camilla Pihl
Jørgine Massa Vasstrand
Oskar Westerlin
Sara Emilie Tandberg

Influences of the year: Strong meaning
The architectural revolt
Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen
Frida Marie Grande
Martha Valle
Synnøve Dørum

Oskar Westerlin is named the influencer of the year in the entertainment category at the Vixen Awards 2023. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

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This year’s influences
Frida Marie Grande
Helene Myhre
Jenny Skavlan
Julie and Camilla Lorentzen
Selene Fjellvang Lie

People’s favorite
Jørgine Massa Vasstrand
Sara Emilie Tandberg
Selene Fjellvang Lie
Therese Lien
Trygve Bennetsen

This year’s influencers: Knowledge
Hanne-Lene Dahlgren
Inga Strümke
Kaveh Rashidi
Malin Garnes
Wasim Zahid

The case is updated

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