Córdoba’s reaction after Javier Milei’s attacks | Martín Llaryora closes ranks and bets on local management – 2024-02-10 22:25:25

by times news cr

2024-02-10 22:25:25

“We are going to provide rationality and hope for a mature and serious relationship.” From the governor’s entourage Martin Llaryora They choose to step on the ball. Targeted as one of the president’s favorite traitors Javier Miley After the Omnibus Law affair, in the Panal of Cordoba they close ranks in the face of the attacks of the national government. However, they do not neglect the political part either. “You have to govern and be patient,” he summarizes when asked by Page 12. For now, the government announced that it will maintain the transportation subsidies cut by the Nation.

Through it all, the chainsaw is in good health. From Rome, President Milei once again targeted Llaryora. “We cut off transportation transfers to the provinces. We had already warned them,” he indicated. Next, he focused on a core point, the generous spending on advertising schedule that has existed since times of Juan Schiaretti: The governor of Córdoba “cries for 20 billion pesos in subsidies and it happens that he pays 27 billion pesos on a regular basis,” he launched the dart to close with “stop arranging with the media.” Llaryora responded through a message addressed to the Nation and the people of Córdoba: “It is not time to respond to grievances or insults, it is time for dialogue and consensus,” he said.

The elimination of the Compensation Fund, the stepping on the funds for the teaching incentive (Fonid) and the tariff increase of national charges in energy generation were some of the darts to the provinces.

In Córdoba, there was a plus: the highly announced departure of Osvaldo Giordano of the Anses. A member of the list of officials who came to the national government “by personal agreements,” the economist was targeted after the vote of his wife, the deputy Alejandra Torresagainst the Omnibus Law.

However, in llaryorismo they are far from acknowledging receipt. Beyond belonging to a similar political space, Schiaretti’s former Finance Minister is not of the governor’s kidney. The same goes for the other ones listed: Daniel Tillard (Nation Bank) and Franco Mogetta (Transport). Both served in the Gringo government, but they are not the San Francisco native. “There was no agreement. They were personal choices,” they repeat from the Honeycomb.

With skill, they seek to separate the chaff from the wheat. Although with presidential volatility on the surface, they know it is very difficult. “We are not going to engage in sterile discussions and we are going to make the maximum effort so that the people of Córdoba suffer as little as possible in the crisis,” they repeat like a mantra.

The other hit is to claim the vocation for collaboration, relying on the general approval of the Omnibus Law, although pointing to the “libertarian” intransigence when it comes to giving in to the articles in general.

Although management appears to be the best shield, the reduction in the flow of national funds complicates the governor’s internal room for maneuver in his homeland. The funds for the Retirement Fund appear as a central part of the national dispute.

In that sense, they ratified the continuity of social tickets: student, worker and for retirees. The version had been advanced by Miguel Siciliano, president of the ruling bloc in the Legislature. “The governor wants to bring peace of mind and is working for it,” he specified. Then Llaryora announced it.

In any case, the issue of subsidies is a long-term dispute that will also have its way through the courts. In fact, the mayor of the city of Córdoba, Daniel Passeriniis part of the Network of Mayors that anticipated that “in this situation… we will evaluate all political and judicial measures to guarantee the items already allocated by the national budget.”

In the province, only Río Cuarto, Villa María and Villa Allende have the SUBE system. The capital and San Francisco, for example, did not adhere to the system. During campaign times, the then Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, had announced the implementation of the modality that subsidizes the user. Cross-talk with the Nation regarding the start-up was common. Moggeta was the one who led the provincial position. The SUBE never came to the city, which today has a ticket for 340 pesos. Without the Fund, it would exceed 1100 pesos.

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