Dimitra Papadima: “I lacked love, I found it in Yiannis Bostanzoglou”

by time news

“I can now command my life,” said the beloved actress to Kostas Tsouros.

“I used to be much tighter. I worked, earned money and educated my child. Then I said that I have to take my life in my hands, get my ego out. I was forced to go to jobs that didn’t tell me anything about the money. Now I can command my life,” he said.

For the performance “The Portrait”

Dimitra Papadima stars in the play “The Portrait”, which refers to the writer Penelope Delta. The performance is directed by her daughter, Thalassini, while the music is composed by Evanthia Reboutsika.

“We started from Thessaloniki, I feel it is my hometown. Now I’m at the Olvio theater and I’m touring. I wanted people, especially children, to know who this woman was, how she was inspired by her fairy tales and what life she lived. I realized while playing Marika Kotopoulis, her rival, that vagrancy hides nobility and Penelope Delta’s nobility hides vagrancy.”

“I have a lot in common with Penelope Delta. “I want to illuminate every detail of the time I live in,” he says. I also want to shed light on the details, what is the real story.”

Dimitra Papadima wrote this monologue on the occasion of her mother’s death in October 2022, having as a vehicle the figure of Penelope Delta.

“The relationship with the mother is the driving force. If you don’t have to hold on, it also takes you to the cliff. Penelope Delta lacked the sign of love. It was a strange relationship with my mom. I did not live comfortably, my childhood was difficult. I worked from a very young age, from the age of 17, “supporting” my family. My parents were clumsy people. I focused on that and that’s why I wrote this monologue. I focused on the mother. Penelope Delta suffered from maternal deficiency.”

“I lacked love”

She then referred to the life relationship she has with Yannis Bostanzoglou, revealing how they met when they were both separated, not having formally divorced.

“I lacked love, I found it in my John. Others loved me too, but with Giannis we have this something, which keeps a relationship going for years.”

About her first marriage she stated:

“I was young, I felt that things had to be done this way, that we gave a stamp to society that we were okay. I divorced, but not on paper. And John was married and had not divorced. He was running to get us divorced. I’m going crazy with papers and bureaucracy.”

“I like to see Giannis, to take care of him, to make our jokes. He wakes up and does ballet and pirouettes for me. I have never slept with a human in the same bed, not even with my own child. I haven’t even slept in the same bed with a man. I can’t, I want to have my independence,” he said.

As she explained, the reason is that when you sleep with the other person, the fairy tale ends and thus the other person is demystified. “Decompression, it’s needed,” the actress said.

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