BhW district program – Horn district: 82 offers on 26 pages 2024-02-11 03:00:00

by time news

Recently, the deputy BhW Lower Austria state chairwoman Sabine Neunteufl (center) with speaker Pauline Gschwandtner and coordinator Margit Pichler (r.) presented the Horn district’s new, printed BhW spring/summer 2024 event program at the Horn campus.

Nowak, Picasa

SSince 2023, most BhW local groups in the Horn district have been run as associations. Together they have once again created an attractive offer for spring/summer 2024. This is now collected in a separate brochure.

The year 2023 at BhW (Education has Value) was characterized by the transition from a central adult education institution – in close cooperation with the volunteer-run educational organizations in the municipalities of Lower Austria – to an increased number of independent BhW associations being founded. These independent associations have set themselves the goal of increasing teamwork with the involvement of new volunteers.

Of the 14 previous BhW educational institutions in the Horn district, nine decided to found a non-profit BhW association: Burgschleinitz-Kühnring, Japons, Langau, Pernegg, Hülsenbach, Rosenburg-Mold, Sigmundsherberg, Straning-Grafenberg and Weitersfeld. Together with Irnfritz-Messern and St. Bernhard-Frauenhofen, a joint printed event program for spring/summer 2024 will once again be published.

This brochure, which has been published twice a year for 20 years, is currently being distributed to households in the participating communities and is available for free collection in the other community offices in the district. On 26 pages you will find 82 offers: from lectures, cultural, sports and dance events to courses, seminars and workshops in the Horner district or, at, also in the state of Lower Austria. The program is currently also published in the NÖN events calendar.

2024-02-11 03:00:00

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