Popular movements continue in the new year, starting from Palestine 2024-01-05 09:30:40

by time news

In the age of Zionist immorality and American arrogance, there is no place for virtue, dignity, or humanity. The situation becomes more painful when some Arab rulers ally with him, and they all conspire against Palestine and its people and against the free and honorable. In a world dominated by the evil alliance, there is no place for man or religion, no sanctity for blood, and no dignity for the soul. Therefore, honorable people are killed by bullets, drones, and all the tools of death. The thinking of the Zionist stakeholders and their agents does not care about the human being and his development, nor human relations, or the values ​​of love, respect and mutual recognition, but rather focuses on methods of taking lives and uprooting people. Isn’t this what happened to the people of Palestine 75 years ago and is still continuing? It is a world of pure technological superiority from which compassion and values ​​have been stripped, and many have become slaves of matter and followers of Satan. In this world, the children of Gaza are falling like locusts, their young bodies torn apart without mercy or humanity. Here the lava races to fall from the sky, destroying everything, and spreading death in every corner. When the world turns into a jungle in which the powerful practice what they want of killing and destruction, humanity disappears and rational people wonder whether humanity is moving towards rebuilding the earth or destroying people. International peace and security cannot be established unless there is a common will among peoples and governments to exercise the natural role of the modern state, which is authorized to defend its borders within local and international laws that do not allow aggression against anyone.

What the region witnessed in the last week confirms the depth of the crisis and the absence of human conscience. There is a group of people who occupied the lands of others and committed the most heinous crimes on them, and they still do so. This occupying group enjoys support from many Western powers that have no place in their dictionary for the meanings of right, justice, and freedom. It does not blink an eye when it throws lava on the indigenous people and they are killed by the hundreds every day. These people spend their lives in camps and shelters, and on top of that they are exposed to the worst types of abuse, killing and extermination. These occupiers do not hesitate to commit crimes using the most heinous means, including assassination by drone. The assassination of Palestinian activist Saleh Al-Arouri with Israeli missiles demonstrated the extent of the Zionist crime, which not only killed him but also tore apart a number of those who were with him in the apartment that was targeted in the center of the Lebanese capital. This crime is not the first and will not be the last as long as the official Arab regime continues its submissive policies and seeks to reconcile with the occupation and abandon the Palestine issue. However, it can be said that the Israeli attacks that continued for three-quarters of a century will not resolve the battle in favor of the occupation. As long as it has failed throughout the previous decades to impose its hegemony on Palestine or the region, it will not achieve today what it was unable to do yesterday. Rather, the Palestinian struggle will continue after it imposed on the scene a new equation of military balance and deprived the occupiers of ensuring sweeping superiority.

What is disgusting is the state of silence in Arab political circles. Israeli crimes are committed daily, with open American support, yet the Americans have never been rebuked or blamed for the political and logistical support they provide to the occupiers, as well as the threat of diplomatic or economic measures. If Washington had known that it would effectively face the wrath of Arab governments, it might have refrained from supporting the occupation. This support is not a secret, but a fact known to the world, while the official Arab regime turns a blind eye to it and leaves the Palestinian people alone in their struggle with the enemy. It is one of the historical eras that the nation is going through and is unable to defend itself despite its vast material capabilities sufficient to deter the occupiers and their supporters. From here, the masses’ feelings of historical darkness deepen, which led them to live on the margins of life without having the ability to defend the oppressed and the victims of occupation and persecution. This is part of the trade-off between Western regimes and powers, as they turn a blind eye to what the occupation practices in exchange for remaining in power and protecting them from the anger of their people demanding rights and freedom. Arab governments can rise again to restore credibility and transform into a striking Arab force that protects the borders of the nations and prevents aggression. But as long as these governments derive their existence from Western support, they will never be independent or capable of Take the necessary decision to protect its interests. Arab governments realize that they have many weapons of pressure, and that they can unite their ranks and present a unified side that will teach the occupiers to endure suffering. But the absence of will and decision prevents it from exercising the role assigned to it to defend the homelands.

Developments in the region in recent days aim to eliminate the spirit of liberation and confront the Israeli occupation, especially the Palestinian resistance forces. If this is achieved, it will be a prelude to eliminating all manifestations of popular movements and revolutions. It is not new to say that the Palestinian issue has always been a source of radiation and inspiration for generations aspiring to freedom, which prompted Western rulers and powers to target it to prevent this from continuing. However, it is not possible to eliminate the revolutionary feelings of the Arab generations aspiring to freedom, especially with the dominance of the authoritarian regime that dominates the country. Most Arab countries. The continued occupation of the Palestinian territories pushes the resistance forces to remain steadfast and steadfast, and this contributes to creating a cultural, intellectual and media atmosphere that encourages the spirit of rebellion and revolution, and gradually the state of polarization deepens, which the official Arab regime, with the support of the imperialist powers, seeks to prevent from occurring. And from What is certain is that the continuation of the Israeli aggression contributes to keeping the flame of struggle burning, as is the case these days. It is the embers of change that will never be extinguished, especially with the expansion of the circle of workers for the West, and the tendency of some regimes to normalize relations with the Israeli enemy. When the ruling gang in Bahrain initiated normalization with the enemy, this led to the expansion of the circle of internal conflict in the country, and the people had other reasons to rebel against the Caliph rule. This is observed in the daily protests that have not stopped, which are protests in which a conscious young generation participates that yearns for freedom and refuses to go along with the occupation.

With the entry of the new Gregorian year, the movements of the Bahraini people continued again, and the new generation felt the joy of the struggle aimed at achieving freedom, preventing normalization, and deepening feelings of belonging to the nation. It is expected that the new Gregorian year will witness an escalation of tension in the country. This began with the escalation of arrests and torture, the narrowing of public freedoms, and the manipulation of education curricula to be consistent with the trend towards normalization and abandoning the spirit of resistance. Despite the tendency of some Arab governments to normalize relations with the enemy, the feelings are deep What is stored in the souls of many of the nation’s people prevents this from succeeding. The Arab masses have feelings that reject the occupation and consider Palestine an Arab and Islamic land searching for its freedom and seeking to fuse all religious and political trends in its crucible, and insist on being a source of inspiration for successive generations. Palestine is a symbol of the oppression of the entire nation on the one hand, and a gateway to its liberation on the other hand. The coming period will confirm the inevitability of the victory of the popular movement that yearns for freedom and rejects the continued occupation of the land of Palestine. Indeed, it is a new year that brings the promise of victory for the oppressed peoples, and Bahrain will be one of the arenas that will experience a continuous political movement aimed at achieving freedom and democracy, and ending the era of tribal slavery supported by America and Britain without taking into account technological developments. Let efforts continue for comprehensive change, and let the nation be united in its principles and goals. This is a divine promise that is not false.

Oh God, have mercy on our righteous martyrs, make them sincere with You, and release our prisoners, O Lord of the Worlds.

Ahrar Bahrain Islamic Movement

January 5, 2024

2024-01-05 09:30:40

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