“Dirty fingers.” Milei was outraged with Pullaro and Llaryora, spoke of an alliance with Macri and said that Francos is staying

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President Javier Miley He spoke this Saturday for the first time after the fall of the omnibus law and the accusations against the governors that led to the displacement of two officials. Beyond the raid of expressions that she had had on social networks, today from Roma The libertarian was indignant with the provincial leaders, especially from Córdoba and Santa Fe –Martín Llaryora and Maximiliano Pullaro-said that the result of the entire parliamentary discussion was “fantastic” because it allowed us to demonstrate what are the politicians who were left with “dirty fingers”and confirmed that the adjustment on the provinces will increase and that local leaders will have to see how they manage to lower their expenses.

On the other hand, he also gave green light for a stronger alliance with former president Mauricio Macrialleging that it was well defined after this process who is really going towards the change, and in the midst of the reconfiguration of the Government, he announced that for Anses he thinks of technical personnel. “[Guillermo] Francos is as firm as a statue roll”also assured about the Minister of the Interior, who was discredited on several occasions from the Casa Rosada when he negotiated to obtain endorsements in Congress.

Convinced that there were legislators who “betrayed” their electorate because They “scrapped” the omnibus project so that their privileges would not be touched, the President assured that this does not alter your short-term plans and was satisfied with reaching zero fiscal deficit in January.

Third day of debate for the Omnibus Law in the National CongressAlejandro Guyot

“We would be entering a path of solvency despite the excesses and disasters committed by deputies and governors“, he indicated in Radio Miter and in that sense he attacked: “We have a very solid and forceful stabilization program. We are not going to allow the excesses of politics or give and take. When they talk about consensus they are corrupt. ‘Long live consensus’ means ‘long live corruption’, the delivery of positions in exchange for silver. It shouldn’t be surprising. “Some radical deputy threatened me that I had to hand over positions and favors.” Regarding the latter, he did not clarify who it was.

He said, then, that his management is not willing to handle itself in this way “filthy and perverse”and assured that the omnibus law that had been issued to the Legislative Palace collapsed when they did not want to give it the delegated powers to act on the trusts because that’s how he messed “with their boxes.” “Many deputies left their fingers marked. That’s why I gave the order and made it clear who the corrupt people are, the filth of politics, those who ruin Argentines,” he noted.

You touch the trusts and they jump like boiled milk. Do you know how many people bite from there and live like a tycoon? What happened is wonderful because it exposed them. They have dirty fingers, there were many people with dirty fingers”, he insisted on the same issue, included in section h of article 4, which had been rejected in the chamber.

Effusive, and in the face of complaints from the governors, which intensified this week due to the cut in funds to subsidize transportation companies in the interior, Milei recalled that he had already warned that he would cancel transfers. The governor of Córdoba crying for 20 billion pesos and pays 27 billion pesos as a guideline. Well, stop arranging with the media to get them to speak well of him. The same to the governor of Santa Fe“said the libertarian, to accuse both leaders whom he accuses of not having supported the Casa Rosada. The departure of Osvaldo Giordano This Friday, for example, was a blowout of the fight with the people of Córdoba.

However, the leader of La Libertad Avanza did not consider it to be “a vendetta” cut transfers to the provinces because he failed to advance in Congress, but in a fierce defense towards the local leaders he maintained: “We have warned that if they did not give us the tools, we were going to intensify the adjustments on the provinces. We have lowered discretionary transfers by 98%, people wanted the adjustment to be paid for by politics, now that the governors make the adjustment. I adjusted 15 points and all of them together cannot face an adjustment of one and a half points, come on. Stop spending so much spurious, to hire so much advertising so that corrupt journalists speak well of them, to spend on recitals for artists who speak well of them. Do we want the corrupt, rotten Argentina of the caste, where the thieving politicians, the prebendary businessmen, the unionists, the embellished and corrupt journalism come in?

And in response to the claims of the provincial leaders that the losses in the turns will have a full impact on the people, Milei expressed his disbelief. “Not necessarily, they can stop spending on official spending, on performing recitals… And what if the Nation has to pay for it? Isn’t it the same pocket? This is a load. Spending must be lowered, but since there is corruption where politics steals, then they don’t like it,” he insisted.

More adjustment to the provinces

He also announced that “obviously” the adjustment in the funds sent to each territory will be deepened. “Can’t I do it? Don’t they have their own resources? Co-participation plus own collection. Let them use their resources, I am not going to negotiate my economic program, the zero deficit, the cleaning up of the Central Bank and gradually freeing the exchange market. “I am going to end inflation and insecurity, and in the middle I am going to expose corrupt politicians,” he stated energetically.

He even considered that it would be necessary to “do an investigation” to “go find” those who voted against certain points of the law. “Our Minister of Justice [por Mariano Cúneo Libarona] “He promoted the creation of a prosecutor’s office to analyze this type of things,” He slipped over that proposal that arose during the tug-of-war with the governors, but that is not formalized.

Certain that if the omnibus law passed, the country would enter a path to become like Germany In 20 years, Milei stated: “They were dismantling the law, they were leaving the packaging, but They had filled it with manurewere filling everything with excrement; It was to change so as not to change anything. The consequence is that these traitors deprived Argentines of the possibility of this improvement in terms of economic freedom. “Instead of Argentina being able to reach and double its GDP in seven years, with this mess they caused it will take 20 years, or more, 30 years.”

Agreement between libertarians and Pro

Already in terms of armed forces, and given this new panorama, the President nevertheless said that from the PASO he proposes that the political order is between change and those who want to continue with the theft. “It’s not my fault that they don’t see it; If they don’t see it, they don’t see it,” he commented.

His dialogue with Macri is, as he said, fluid. He also claimed to be “infinitely proud” of the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich; and of Defense, Luis Petri. And just in the week in which a unification of the hardest Pro and the libertarians sounded loudest, Milei He confirmed that “obviously” this agreement will be explored. “It happened spontaneously and naturally, after the election and in the events in the Chamber of Deputies. Flow towards it“And we get along very well,” he announced.

He also revealed that in the conversations with Macri and Bullrich they discuss how to form a space that “fully represents the change,” but he denied that he had discussed the additions to the Cabinet of the national deputy. Diego Santilli and the former candidate in Boca Andres Ibarra. “It’s all media speculation, it’s not the type of talk I have with President Macri,” Milei said.

Milei and Macri
Milei and Macri

Replacements and ratifications

Meanwhile, he also said that for Consideredwhere Giordano will no longer be, It has four candidates who have a technical profile. “Given Pope Francis’ interest in Human Capital, Sandra came [Pettovello] here in Rome so since Anses depends on it, surely at some point I will be working on it,” he indicated, although he has not yet announced what he will do with Mining, which depended on the now displaced Royon, who came from the management of Sergio Massa in the Ministry of Economy and is from the kidney of the governor of Salta Gustavo Sáenz.

Francos, for the moment, was confirmed in office, despite the fact that he was left off side in various stages of the negotiations with the provinces since it is resisted by some members of Pro, especially after including the Peronist leader Daniel Scioli to its staffas Secretary of Tourism, Environment and Sports. “I began to internalize myself and enter politics with Francos. Guillermo Francos is my friend. Aside from everything, he is as firm as a statue’s curler,” Milei said about the Minister of the Interior, who joins the delegation in Italy.

The meeting with Pope Francis

Hours to see him Papawith whom he will meet on Sunday at the canonization of Mother Antula and on Monday at a private meeting, Milei indicated: “We are going to have a fruitful dialogue, just like on the phone. I hope that we have the possibility that the health of her Holiness is in conditions for her to come visit the Argentines, moral support is very important, especially in a country with so much roots in Catholicism. He is the most important Argentine in historyis a Pope. We cannot lose that perspective, this cannot be trapped in ideological disputes being a spiritual leader.”

Dollarization and inflation

In the economic field, the President assured that he is increasingly closer to dollarizer. “We are nowhere. Reserves are 7 billion dollars; and the monetary base, of 8 billion dollars. If we manage to liquidate the liabilities of the Central Bank… This also demands reforms in the financial system for a dollarized system,” he analyzed.

He also said that the more “healthy” the Central Bank’s balance sheet is, the lower the interest rate. inflation, although he avoided specifying when the monthly number will advance towards a single digit. “Specific issues may occur that affect a jump in prices,” she warned, despite the fact that she ratified the path to go towards the decrease of this indicator.

Strong hug between Milei and the Pope during the canonization mass of Mama Antula

“It’s a very important moment.” Strong hug between Milei and the Pope during the canonization mass of Mama Antula

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