The people bid farewell to one year and receive another with pain and hopes 2023-12-29 02:33:03

by time news

One year ends, another begins, and so the years and days continue, and can anyone stop the movement of time? This movement, in addition to meaning life and renewal, also means the increase in human lifespan, as every day that passes, this lifespan decreases. Therefore, the wise person is the one who seeks to benefit from his life and time by doing good deeds and offering what is for the good of humanity. But what does someone who spends a large part of his life behind bars do? Many political prisoners made good use of their time. They wrote books, composed poetry, and told stories. What a wonderful contribution they gave to humanity. But this is not available to every political prisoner. For example, Dr. Abdul Jalil Al-Singace was forced to stop eating solid foods for more than two years, demanding the return of his literary book, which he spent four years preparing, and up to this moment the Khalifites refuse to return that book, especially with the Anglo-American support for their policies and actions. We did not hear that a Western politician raised his voice demanding that the Khalifa tyrants return the aforementioned book by Dr. Al-Singace. Doesn’t this mean that ignorance is a common trait among tyrants? Doesn’t this mean ignoring the right of thinkers to write down their ideas and visions? If an American or British politician had taken the trouble to raise this issue and publicly demanded that the book be returned to Dr. Al-Singace, the matter would have been different, and Dr. Al-Singace would not have turned into a great temple, and writers and thinkers would not have felt injustice and injustice.

Years ago, Professor Hassan Mushaima wrote a book while he was behind bars, and it was destined to be confiscated by the enemies of thought. The Khalifa tyrants do not believe in thought, and there is nothing in their heritage that indicates their passion for it. They fight scholars, thinkers, and writers, and they see thought as establishing freedom and expanding its horizons. How many writers and poets were thrown into prison by the Khalifas because of the religious and revolutionary thought they put forward that contributes to educating the masses and moving them on the path to change. These thinkers promote kinetic thought and reject thought that leads to stagnation and coexistence with injustice or supports tyranny and dictatorship. It is a historical conflict between two theses, but it has its own starting points and goals. The people of Bahrain have insisted since ancient times on maintaining their distinction from the Khalifa gang by adhering to their history and scholars who had a presence in the field since the early days of Islam. The line of scholars continued until the Caliphs came, with their ignorance and backwardness, and they deliberately extinguished the lights of knowledge and uprooted its ancient and modern role. The enemies of knowledge love the ignorance that encourages and fosters injustice, and distances its people from the sources of authentic liberal Islamic thought.

Since the Khalifa occupation of Bahrain, decades and years have passed, and the indigenous Bahrainis (Shiites and Sunnis) have celebrated every new year, and have not given up real hope in the inevitability of change and the end of the black era that dominated the country. This is despite their great sacrifices and severe suffering. Pain was not an obstacle to hope. Rather, the more this pain increased, the deeper hope became, because of their knowledge of divine truths that do not make mistakes or stop. Night is followed by day, and darkness is followed by light. The darkness that the Caliphs imposed on the country will be followed by the light of freedom, even if its arrival is delayed. God has affairs in His creation, and delaying relief does not mean that it will not happen, for God is the one who determines the time of its occurrence, but rather it comes according to the divine will that monitors human positions and conditions and decides what is in their interests. This Creator God loves His creatures and gives them according to what they deserve and what they benefit from. This is the belief of the overwhelming majority of citizens who gave their most precious possessions. It is enough to look at the graves of the martyrs to discover the depth of their parents’ and families’ belief in the inevitability of divine retribution against murderers, torturers, and executioners. These families visit the graves of their children every week, but these visits intensified on the occasion of Martyrs’ Day. It is a scene that suggests the inevitability of change because the blood of the martyrs is not in vain. Rather, it is a necessity for change to occur. It cannot dry up, be wasted, or lose its effect. The hearts of mothers feel this with firm faith, and are always filled with hope that God will grant respite and will not neglect, and that the day of the oppressed against the oppressor is more severe than the day of the oppressor against the oppressed: And there is life for you in retaliation, O people of understanding.

With the beginning of the new year, these feelings find their place in the hearts of citizens, especially the fathers and mothers of the martyrs, and they become more entrenched by seeing the flag raised by their martyred sons raised high that the tyrant could not lower. It represents the survival and immortality of the martyrs on the one hand, the lives of the people on the other hand, and the inevitability of the victory of the cause on the third. When young people take to the squares carrying the banner of change, this is evidence of the defeat of the Khalifa eradication mentality that bet on breaking the thorn of change and revolutionary movement in the souls of citizens. Not a day goes by without the masses taking part in their marches and protests under various headlines, the latest of which is the Gaza issue. The people’s sympathy with the people of Palestine confirms their belief in the similarity of the two issues. The people cannot remain silent about the crimes of the Zionists, just as they cannot remain silent about the continuing injustice of the Caliphs. This movement will continue without stopping until God decides something that was already in effect, to destroy whoever perished with clear evidence, and to revive whoever lives with clear proof. This is the Sunnah of God in creation, and you will not find any change in the Sunnah of God, nor will you find any change in the Sunnah of God. In this spirit, the heroes of the fields do not lack the excuse of continuous presence without interruption or interruption. This is despite their knowledge that Al-Khulaifi is an unjust ruler who practices crime in its ugliest forms, a sworn enemy of free people wherever they are, whether in Palestine or Bahrain, an agent to the core of the enemies of the nation, whose only concern is plundering and hoarding the money of the poor and immorality in rivalry without limits. The free Bahraini citizen believes that he will go to prison one day because most of the Bahrainis have been arrested at least once in their lives, and years pass by while they are languishing behind bars. Professor Hassan Mushaima, Abdul Wahab Hussein, Al-Singace and Al-Miqdad will soon complete their thirteenth year in the Khalifa torture queues, Sheikh Ali Salman has completed nine years without sin, Professor Muhammad Al-Sabbaa has completed his eighth year, and so on, years go by and the Bahrainis languish in prisons not because they committed a crime punishable by law. Rather, they are lovers of freedom, seekers of truth, and have lofty aspirations and do not submit to anyone. While the criminal Al-Khalifi expects them to bow their heads and kneel before him, as he is the one who occupied their land and subjected them to severe abuse.

In these circumstances, with the end of the Gregorian year and the advent of a new year, time does not seem of value to the tyrant who sits on the skulls of human beings, takes pleasure in the groans of bereaved mothers, and rejoices in hearing the groans of victims of torture. It is true that these people moan and groan, but they have souls like high mountains, and heads that reach the height of the clouds. For a hundred years, they fought scourges and confrontations with the occupying Khalifa enemy and did not budge, and not an era passed without there being victims, martyrs, prisoners, and exiles. This giant heritage of struggle and sacrifices cannot be erased with the stroke of a pen or eliminated by imprisoning its creators and abusing them. It has become part of the nation’s heritage, passed down through generations and from which lessons of steadfastness, the meanings of challenge, and the values ​​of struggle and freedom are learned. This is the pledge made by the youth of Bahrain, who demonstrate daily against the Khalifa enemy and chant for the freedom of the homeland and the people, and raise the flag of Palestine. Their hearts and the hearts of their mothers beat with supplication for the oppressor who sits on the seat of government in Riffa, and they chant with prayers to God to annihilate him and take him as the Mighty and Powerful. This is what everyone wants. An honorable Bahraini citizen, God Almighty will not disappoint the oppressed.

Oh God, have mercy on our righteous martyrs, make them sincere with You, and release our prisoners, O Lord of the Worlds.

Ahrar Bahrain Islamic Movement

December 29, 2023

2023-12-29 02:33:03

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