Today’s anniversaries: what happened on February 11 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world – 2024-02-11 07:04:25

by times news cr

2024-02-11 07:04:25

In the anniversaries of February 11 These events that occurred on a day like today in Argentina and the world stand out:

1858. The Virgin of Lourdes

According to the story of the young French shepherdess Bernadette Soubirous, 14 years old, the first of several apparitions of the Virgin Mary occurs before her. It happens in Lourdes, near the Pyrenees. The young woman assures that her appearance confirmed the immaculate conception of Christ. She entered a convent, where she died at age 35. Pope Pius XI canonized her in 1933. Lourdes became a pilgrimage center for Catholics and its holiday is celebrated on February 11.

1941. The birth of Alberto Laiseca

The writer Alberto Laiseca was born in Rosario. He worked at ENTel and the newspaper The reason as a concealer. From 1976 it is his first novel, Your turn to diewhich was followed Adventures of an atonal novelist in 1982. That same year his first collection of stories appeared: Killing dwarves with clubs. He also wrote essays and the book of poems Chinese poemsalong with his novel and short story production. In 1998 his monumental novel was published the soriasof 1400 pages. He was the face and voice of the television series Horror stories. He died at age 75, in 2016.

1946. Diana Bellessi is born

The poet is born Diana Bellessiin Zavalla, province of Santa Fe. He studied philosophy at the National University of the Litoral. In 1972 his first book appeared, Fate and propagationswhich was followed Equatorial cruise in 1981. Reference of feminism, has translated, among others, Ursula K. Le Guin, with whom he corresponded Dream Twinsin 1996. Other works: The garden, The rebellion of the moment, cooked mate, The golden age y Strong as death is love. He also published the book of essays Own and foreign.

1948. Fallece Sergei Eisenstein

Sergei Eisenstein dies, aged 50. With his assembly technique revolutionized cinema. The strike, Battleship Potemkin y October They were the peak of his work in the 1920s. He traveled to Mexico for his project Hurray Mexico!an unfinished film that sought to show the history of the country from the pre-Columbian era to the Revolution. Back in the USSR, the filmmaker directed Alexander Nevsky e Ivan the Terrible.

1963. The Beatles record their first LP

The Beatles enter Abbey Road studios to shape their first LP. The day lasts almost ten hours. It begins with “There’sa Place” and ends with “Twist and Shout.” The recorded material will integrate Please Methe first album by the Liverpool band, which will go on sale in March.

1963. The suicide of Sylvia Plath

Poet Sylvia Plath commits suicide in London at age 30 by gas inhalation. She had been born in Boston in 1932 and was married to the British poet Ted Hughes. His books of poems The colossus y Ariel (the second published two years after her death) established her as one of the great lyrical voices in English. He also wrote the novel The bell jar. The posthumous publication of his complete poetic work was recognized with the Pulitzer Prize in 1982.

1975. Margaret Thatcher, leader of the Conservatives

For the first time, a woman is at the head of a political party in the United Kingdom with the arrival of Margaret Thatcher to the leadership of the Conservative Party. Thatcher, a graduate in chemistry and law, is 49 years old and between 1970 and 1974 she was Minister of Education. His rise marks the beginning of fifteen years of leadership and the transformation of British conservatism into a deeply rooted neoliberal economic force.. Until 1979 she will be the leader of the opposition: that year she will win the elections.

1977. Oscar Smith disappears

Oscar Smith, general secretary of the Luz y Fuerza union, is kidnapped in Villa Domínico by a task force of the dictatorship. He was 45 years old and has been missing since then. Since October 1976, Smith had led a plan of struggle, in what was the first major union action since the beginning of the military regime.

1979. Islamic Revolution in Iran

The Islamic Revolution triumphs in Iran. The fall of the Shah’s government is consummated, and he goes into exile. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returns from France and takes power. The country becomes a theocracy of Shiite clerics who rely on the literal interpretation of the Koran. Khomeini suppresses the Imperial State of the Pahlavi dynasty and imposes the Islamic Republic of Iran. Social discontent and the westernization of the country were the breeding ground for the revolutionary triumph.

1990. Mandela is released in South Africa

Nelson Mandela regains freedom, 27 years after being imprisoned and becoming the most famous political prisoner in the world. The leader of the African National Congress leaves prison, within the framework of the opening process of President Frederik de Klerk. Symbol of the fight against apartheidMandela would share the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 with De Klerk. In April 1994 he won the first free elections and became president..

2007. Abortion is decriminalized in Portugal

Portugal approves the decriminalization of abortion through a referendumnine years after the narrow victory of the No with 51 percent. This time, the initiative receives the favorable vote of 59 percent of Portuguese. Since then, voluntary termination of pregnancy is permitted up to the tenth week of gestation.

2013. The resignation of Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI makes an announcement that shakes the Church: he resigns as Supreme Pontiff. She does so with a speech read in Latin. The event has no precedent since 1294 and opens the fight for his succession, in an unimaginable scenario: that two popes coexist. Joseph Ratzinger had been elected pope in 2005, at the age of 78, and had suffered severe wear and tear since then.. In 2012 he had to face the document leak crisis known as VatiLeaks. The resignation of the 85-year-old Pontiff, effective February 28, opens the way to the conclave that will elect Jorge Bergoglio as his successor. Benedict XVI lived the following years as Pope Emeritus until his death, at the age of 95, on December 31, 2022.

2016. Gravitational waves

The existence of gravitational waves is confirmed. The LIGO Observatory makes the announcement, which represents one of the milestones of science in the 21st century. These are space-time disturbances produced by an accelerated celestial body. The waves transmit at the speed of light and had been predicted by Albert Einstein in his Theory of Relativity. The Argentine physicist Gabriela González is the one who communicates that on September 14, 2015 a gravitational wave could be observed. Barry Barish, Kip Thorne and Rainer Weiss receive the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017 for the research.

Furthermore, it is the International Day of Women and Girls in Scienceestablished by UNESCO.

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