Settling of scores, resignations… Viktor Orban’s Hungary is going through an unprecedented political crisis

by time news

2024-02-13 05:36:00

An unprecedented political crisis erupted this weekend in Hungary with the consecutive resignations of President Katalin Novak and former Justice Minister Judit Varga. Both were involved in the pardon issued to an individual, Endre K., who had covered up the sexual abuse of his superior in a youth home.

Katalin Novak, 46, in office since May 2022, apologized for granting this untimely presidential pardon. Demonstrations against this presidential pardon shook the regime. It is rumored that Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister and strong man of the country, became aware, through the polls, that Fidesz voters were very upset against the government. He asked Katalin Novak, then abroad, to return immediately and submit her resignation. What she did. The Hungarian Parliament can, however, ask him to reconsider his decision within fifteen days.

Judit Varga’s ex-husband sets things on fire

Judit Varga, 43, was Minister of Justice at the time and, in turn, she also announced that she was retiring from political life. His ministry transmitted the request for pardon to the Presidency of the Republic, but without supporting it. Judit Varga finally countersigned the pardon under conditions that are still unclear.

She is abandoning her mandate as a deputy and also renouncing to lead the Fidesz list, Viktor Orban’s party, during the next European elections in June 2024.

READ ALSO Viktor Orban on aid to Ukraine: “Hungary is being blackmailed” Things started to get out of hand when Peter Magyar, the ex-husband of Judit Varga – they divorced in 2020 – threw a wrench in the pond by also abandoning all his mandates in two public companies, Magyar Kozut and Volanbusz. “I do not want for one more minute to be part of a system in which the real leaders hide behind women’s skirts,” he denounces on Facebook, considering that Judit Varga and Katalin Novak have been unjustly sacrificed by those who really pull the strings of power in Budapest.

The disillusionments of a protégé of the system

And Peter Magyar designates these targets: first, Antal Rogan, who controls all of the secret services and who is one of the closest collaborators of the Prime Minister, Viktor Orban. But also Balazs Orban, his political advisor, who Point contacted for comment. “I have long believed in an idea, national, sovereign and civil Hungary, and for many years I tried to contribute with my modest means to its realization,” continues Peter Magyar. But over the last few years, I have slowly and finally had to understand that it is all really just a political product, a sugar coating that serves only two purposes: to conceal the operation of the factory and to acquire enormous wealth. » Judit Varga’s former husband denounces the Hungarian system as a corrupt country where “everything belongs to a few families”.

It is therefore from within the Orban system that this unexpected attack comes. Peter Magyar has nothing to gain since he is no longer Judit Varga’s husband and has since found his soul mate. “I know I’m going to lose a lot of friends with my decision,” he continues. Freedom always comes at a price, sometimes enormous, but there are times when you must not back down. I am aware that in the eyes of Rogan’s propaganda machine, I will now be at the same time a traitor, a criminal, a revenger, a psychopath, a drug addict, a child beater, a “Brussels”, a mercenary in series, a supporter of war, etc. I am none of those things. »

The Varga-Magyar couple acted as a “family” showcase for the regime, with their children shown in photos, while Judit Varga multiplied the videos where she deployed across Europe to defend the often attacked regime of Viktor Orban on corruption and the weakening of the rule of law. With Katalin Novak, Judit Varga formed the duo of model ladies of a Christian Hungary combining traditions and modernity. The image was partly shattered with the divorce of the Varga-Magyar couple. Peter Magyar explains that Antal Rogan had forbidden the couple to defend themselves against attacks on their assets, which would not have caused any scandal if they had been allowed to explain their real estate purchases.

The feared power of Antal Rogan

Why, then, did Peter Magyar wait so long to empty his bag? “A lot of people ask me why I have remained silent until now, why I have only become clear now,” he admits. On the one hand, there is a family reason for this, and on the other hand, it is a terribly difficult decision to break with all of one’s previous life and jeopardize decades of human relationships. And third, whatever anyone says, the majority of Fidesz is not Antal Rogán; there are many good people who work in this system only for their country and the prosperity of the Hungarian people, and not for the enrichment of the oligarchs. If party members could vote, the unlimited master of propaganda and services could immediately retire to enjoy civilian life and the billions earned from his “invention.” »

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