Rwanda and Uganda, allies of the finished GUAN 2024-02-13 16:27:34

by time news

The DRC is the scene of a war inherited from GUAN [0], which pits the Rothschild, Rockefeller and Windsor networks against China, against a backdrop of current rivalry for control of the East and the new Silk Roads, a strategic issue. Since 1994, this conflict led by GUAN has cost the lives of nearly 15 million Congolese, victims of a genocide denounced by civil society.

Goma (RDC), 13/02/2024 – The Democratic Republic of Congo DRC is at the heart of a geopolitical war, a legacy of the period of “Unipolar American Neoliberal Globalization (GUAN, 1989-2022)”. This confrontation highlights the opposition between influential networks such as Rothschild (Israel, USA), Rockefeller (Israel, USA), and Windsor (UK: Commonwealth, Germany, Portugal, Bulgaria and Belgium)which operate via United States, et China, supported by the BRICS+ countries, currently the world’s leading economic power. The central issue in this conflict is control of the new Silk Roads in Africa, in particular the strategic corridor Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) – Kivu (DRC) – Katanga (DRC, Tanganyika)which symbolizes the growing importance of the continent in global economic exchanges.

DRC: the war in the East pits two rival coalitions against each other

In the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the situation is explosive. Two coalitions are fighting for control of this region rich in natural resources. On the one hand, the loyalist FARDC coalition, supported by Burundi, Tanzania, and South Africa, member of BRICS+ and SADC. The other, the GUAN-USA/NATO coalition [1]RWANDA, UGANDAwho defends the interests of “Unipolar American Neoliberal Globalization” those of the Rothschild, Rockefeller and Windsor networks. This geopolitical war opposes the USA and its allies has China and its partners, who are developing the new Silk Roads in Africa.

Congolese citizens in the east are the first victims of this conflict which has lasted since 1994. They suffer from permanent insecurity caused by the GUAN-USA/NATO coalition, RWANDA, UGANDA, who forms armed groups to sow terror, or “terrorist groups”. The human toll is appalling: nearly 15 million dead, according to estimates. The Congolese denounce a genocide and call for general mobilization to put an end to this tragedy.

DRC: the loyalist FARDC coalition resists pressure from GUAN

This GUAN-USA/NATO coalition, RWANDA, which aims to counter the influence of China and its BRICS+ partners in Africa, wants to balkanize the DRC, Tanzania and overthrow the anti-neocolonist regimes of Burundi and Tanzania. It relies on Rwanda and Uganda, which intervene militarily in the east of the DRC, as well as on MONUSCO (UN), Poland, France and Belgium, which provide diplomatic support. The FARDC loyalist coalitionwhich tried without success to involve the EAC, a regional organization close to the United Kingdom, resists this pressure as best it can and defends the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the DRC.

DRC: The Kivu War [2] threatens the African Great Lakes Silk Road

The conflict is currently concentrated in North Kivu, in the territories of Rutshuru and of Blame it, where clashes are daily between the two camps. In Rutshuru, the GUAN-USA/NATO, RWANDA, UGANDA coalition has a military base, but it is contested by the loyalist FARDC coalition, which benefits from the support of local tribes, notably the Nande. In Masisi, the situation is more complex, because the GUAN-USA/NATO, RWANDA, UGANDA coalition relies on a Rwandan minority, called by the Congolese “Rwandan Tutsi” or “Tutsi”. These are the descendants of Rwandans naturalized Congolese during Belgian colonization or at independence, or of Rwandan refugees who arrived in 1959 after the fall of the Banyiginya Bahinda dynasty in Rwanda. This minority is present in some villages (hills) of eastern Masisi, such as Karuba, Mushaki, Kilolirwe, Burungu, Nyamitaba, Kitshanga and Mweso, which are areas of permanent tension. The part of Masisi where Rwandan communities are not present is instead under the control of the loyalist FARDC coalition, which has a popular base in this region.

The town of Sake, located on the border between Masisi and the territory of Nyiragongo, is a stronghold of the Hunde, a Congolese ethnic group. It is secured by the loyalist FARDC coalition, which resists the bombings of the GUAN-USA/NATO coalition, RWANDA, UGANDA. Other localities such as Nguba, Kirotshe, Minova are also under the control of the FARDC loyalist coalition. In Nyiragongo, in the Virunga national park, fighting is incessant between the loyalist FARDC coalition, supported by the Wazalendo, young local patriotic trackers, and the GUAN-USA/NATO, RWANDA, UGANDA coalition. This area is a gateway for Rwandan soldiers into the DRC.

In this Kivu war, the rule to remember is the following: where we find the tribe of “Rwandan Tutsi”, the GUAN-USA/NATO, RWANDA, UGANDA coalition can have a basis. Elsewhere, the loyalist FARDC coalition dominates. From where the communication strategy of the GUAN-USA/NATO coalition, RWANDA, UGANDA, which invokes the protection of the Tutsi of Congo against a “genocide”[3] referring to the Hutus of Rwanda in the DRC, called “FDLR”[4]. Because this is its only argument to justify its presence in the DRC.

DRC: British weapons intended for Ukraine seized at the Ugandan border

The GUAN-USA/NATO coalition, RWANDA, UGANDAwhich is waging a geopolitical war against the loyalist FARDC coalition in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), hasvery sophisticated weapons. According to Congolese police, citing civil society, arms shipments from the United Kingdom, which were destined for the conflict in Ukrainewere found in Bunagana, on the border between the DRC and Uganda.

DRC: the loyalist FARDC coalition wants to push the war back towards Rwanda and Uganda

To bring peace to this area, the loyalist FARDC coalition aims to open military fronts towards Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, and Kampala, the capital of Uganda. These two countries are considered allies of Western powers, which seek to counter the influence of China and its BRICS+ partners in Africa. The loyalist FARDC coalition thus wants move the war out of Congolese territory and secure the borders with Rwanda and Uganda.

DRC: Pan-African organizations protest against Western interference

In Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Pan-African civil society organizations mobilized and demonstrated in front of the embassies of Western countries involved in the GUAN-USA/NATO coalition, RWANDA, UGANDA. The demonstrators denounce the interference of this finished “Unipolar American Neoliberal Globalization”. They demand respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the DRC. The demonstrators say: “No to the ongoing genocide in the DRC”.


[1] In 1998, following the Saint Malo agreement, where France accepted having lost Africa to the USA, the European Union (EU) abandoned its idea of ​​a European army, deciding under American pressure from the USA to dock at NATO ordered by the USA.

[2] The Kivu War (DRC) |

[3] The “Genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda” in 1994 was a truth during the period when Unipolar American Neoliberal Globalization GUAN reigned in the world (1989 -2022). In the new multipolar world (cfr. BRICS+), this single truth is no longer the truth. Because the truth is once again that of facts, that of Mother Nature, of the Cosmos.

[4] The young “Hutu” Rwandan FDLR, children of Rwandan refugees who came to seek asylum in the DRC in 1994, were born after 2000! How can they be responsible for the genocide which took place in Rwanda in 1994, during the GUAN period.

The FDLR is an internal politico-military problem of Rwanda. The FDLR are children of Rwandans chased out of Rwanda by the GUAN which decreed throughout the world that their parents had been “genocidaires”, to chase them forever from the lands of their ancestors -amatongo-. However, among the peoples of Ubuntu, identity is linked to the land of the ancestors -itongo-, a nurturing mother requiring it to be constantly defended. The FDLR are Rwandans, if Rwanda doesn’t want them, whose problem is it?

Sources: Nahimana P., Tuesday February 13, 2024 | Photo: Congo Live TV

2024-02-13 16:27:34

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