Electric car: the government cuts the ecological bonus by 1,000 euros

by time news

2024-02-13 12:39:05

Cut to the ecological bonus. Aid for the purchase of an electric car will decrease by 1,000 euros this year, to 4,000 euros, for half of the wealthiest households. A decree, confirming the information from “Echos” of December 22, appeared Tuesday morning.

This text should have appeared at the end of 2023. But this file found itself trapped in an arbitration conflict between the Ministry of Transport and Bercy. Then shelved for the duration of a lengthy ministerial reshuffle. And emerged on Tuesday after the government abruptly suspended the related and very costly social leasing measure.

More bonuses for businesses

Companies are bearing the brunt of the restrictions on the bonus, which already comes with eco-conditionality for all. The text in fact indicates “reduce by 1,000 euros the maximum amount of the ecological bonus applicable to the acquisition of new vans for legal entities”, including craftsmen. “We are also lowering the various conversion bonuses uniformly by 1,000 euros,” summarizes a ministerial advisor.

Above all, it “removes the ecological bonus applicable to the acquisition of new private cars for legal entities”. In other words, companies will no longer be entitled to the ecological bonus. This could amount to up to 3,000 euros last year.

“It is to be regretted the total elimination of the bonus for companies, while 45% of vehicles are currently purchased by companies, which allows an acceleration of the second-hand electric vehicle market, which is still in its infancy today” , reacted Mobilians, which represents the automotive distribution sector.

A bonus for the electric opportunity

On the other hand, the bonus of 7,000 euros for half of the lowest-income households is maintained at its previous level, as the Elysée indicated to “Echos” on Sunday. An amount considered “extremely generous” within the government.

Better still, individuals will be able to receive an increased bonus of 1,000 euros for “electric car leasing for used passenger cars”.

“The budget for greening the French automobile fleet of 1.5 billion euros is increasingly targeted towards the most modest households,” we explain to the government. This is how public aid is most effective in triggering the act of purchasing an electric car. »

Craftsmen preserved

But the bonus for the purchase of used electric cars and vans has been removed. Likewise, the conversion bonus for the purchase of a Crit-Air 1 thermal vehicle disappears. Finally, the decree confirms the end for 2024 of the system offering an electric car for 100 euros (social leasing).

The emerging retrofit sector – transformation of thermal vehicles into electric or hybrid vehicles – has for its part obtained a new bonus for plug-in hybrids. It must be said that the volumes of this sub-sector are still embryonic.

Budget constraints

The government, struggling to balance its 2024 budget, does not want the budget of 1.5 billion euros devoted to greening the automobile fleet to go out of control. In 2023, Bercy had to extend an additional 300 million euros at the end of the year in the face of the success of the ecological bonus.

“The reduction in the various ecological bonuses is an expected turn of the screw, the direct impact of the hemorrhage observed on social leasing, whose budgetary envelope has exploded, analyzes an expert familiar with the matter. Due to the government vacancy, this file was no longer framed. »

La facture du leasing social

It must be said that it went very quickly. In six weeks, the lightning success of social leasing and its 50,000 orders since the beginning of January (twice more than expected), should swallow up around 650 million euros.

Or 300 million due to the specific additional bonus of 6,000 euros offered by the State as part of this system and 350 million for the basic bonus of 7,000 euros. “Let us remember that the initial objective, during the debates on the Finance bill, was to allocate 50 million euros to the leasing system,” notes Mobilians.

There would therefore be less than a billion euros remaining to finance the bonuses until the end of the year. Taking the registrations of electric cars from last year, the single cut of 1,000 euros on the bonus for individuals should allow savings of around 250 million euros.

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