The Health Benefits of Nuts: How Nuts Can Help You Lose Weight and Improve Your Health

by time news

2024-02-14 23:31:45

The view that nuts have no place on the plate because of their high calorie content has long been considered outdated. In fact, hazelnuts, almonds and other nuts not only contribute to health, but can also help with weight loss. In this article we will explain why this is the case and which types of nuts are particularly beneficial when it comes to losing weight.

How healthy are nuts?

Nuts are full of important vitamins and minerals that make them a healthy snack:

  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and contributes to skin health and fights free radicals in the body.
  • B-Vitamine are important for energy metabolism and the nervous system.
  • Potassium is a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure and supports muscle and nerve function. Potassium also counteracts water retention in the legs. Nuts, especially almonds and cashews, are good sources of potassium.
  • Eisen is crucial for the transport of oxygen in the body. Although meat is the most well-known source of iron, nuts are also iron-rich foods, making them a great choice for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Magnesium is important for muscle and nerve function as well as bone health. Hazelnuts and almonds are particularly rich in magnesium.
  • Proteins are important building blocks for the body. Nuts are a good source of plant-based protein that helps maintain muscle mass while dieting.
  • fiber are key to satiety and promoting healthy digestion. Nuts contain a lot of fiber, which helps prevent cravings.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats that support heart health and can reduce inflammation in the body. Walnuts are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

In the clip: Charlotte Karlinder explains which nuts are particularly healthy

Nuts have these positive effects on your body

Nuts don’t just offer one Abundance of nutrientsbut also have different ones positive effects on the body. Here are some of the health benefits associated with consuming nuts:

✅ Protection of healthy cells: The antioxidants, especially vitamin E, in nuts help cells defend against free radicals.

✅ Blood pressure control: Nuts rich in potassium can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

✅ Support the nervous system and increase concentration: The B vitamins in nuts play an important role in the health of the nervous system and improve the ability to concentrate.

✅ Strengthening bones: The combination of magnesium and calcium, as well as phosphorus, particularly found in pistachios, is good for bone health and can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

✅ Stabilization of sugar levels: Nuts help keep blood sugar levels stable. The fiber, protein, and healthy fats in nuts slow the absorption of sugar from food into the bloodstream. This results in a lower rise in blood sugar levels after a meal.

✅ Support of the vessels: Nuts are also beneficial for blood vessel health. The healthy fats it contains protect and strengthen the blood vessels. These fats reduce inflammation and improve the flexibility of the arteries.

✅ Less inflammation in the body: Omega-3 fatty acids are converted in the body into substances called eicosanoids and docosanoids, which act similarly to hormones. These bioactive compounds have proven anti-inflammatory properties and can therefore serve as adjuvant therapy for inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

✅ Regulation of cholesterol levels: Nuts help lower cholesterol levels, especially the harmful LDL cholesterol, which in turn reduces the risk of heart disease.

✅ Positive influence on heart health: Studies have shown that regular consumption of nuts is associated with improved heart health and a lower risk of heart disease.

✅ Promoting intestinal health: The fiber in nuts promotes healthy digestion and supports intestinal health by strengthening the intestinal flora.

Why do nuts make you slim?

Nuts have a dietary effect as they satiety for a long time. This helps prevent sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which in turn prevents food cravings. Chewing nuts intensively makes you feel full more quickly. This leads to us eating less overall.

Furthermore, the body absorbs the calories from raw nuts less efficiently than those from processed nut products, such as peanut butter. The body can only about two thirds of the calories absorb from the nuts. This is because the nuts are not completely ground when chewed, but enter the digestive system in small pieces and are only partially digested. In addition, the high protein content in nuts is less converted into body fat and instead used as energy for our muscles. A study from Washington University also suggests that consuming nuts helps To reduce fat accumulation in our body.

Which types of nuts should you prefer when dieting? These 8 varieties are suitable

  • hazelnuts are rich in fiber, vitamin E and unsaturated fats. They can lower cholesterol levels and increase satiety.
  • Cashews are actually not real nuts, but belong to the stone fruits, because they are the kernels of the cashew tree fruit. Cashews are an excellent source of magnesium and vitamin K, which are important for bone health. They are relatively low in calories – but still filling.
  • Macadamianüsse are high in unsaturated fats, especially monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health. However, they are high in calories – a whopping 718 calories per 100 grams. So enjoy them in moderation.
  • Botanically speaking, they count Almonds, like cashews, not to nuts, but to stone fruits. Nevertheless, almonds are referred to as nuts in everyday language. 100 grams of almonds contain 19 grams of protein and 13 grams of fiber. The latter consists largely of calories that the body cannot fully utilize. In addition, almonds contain 1.7 milligrams of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which suppress appetite.
  • Walnuts are also known for their high content of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory effects and support heart health. They are also a good source of protein.
  • Brazil nuts are one of the best natural sources of selenium, an important trace element that is crucial for thyroid function and the immune system. Experts recommend not consuming more than two Brazil nuts a day. On the one hand, this is enough to cover your daily selenium requirements, but on the other hand, Brazil nut trees store radioactivity particularly well. Therefore, increased consumption is not recommended.
  • peanuts Botanically speaking, they are not nuts, but legumes. Maybe that’s why their fiber content is so high and the fat content is lower compared to “true” nuts. They are a popular high protein and filling snack option.
  • Pistachios Like almonds and cashews, they actually also belong to the stone fruits. They’re low in calories and high in fiber – a great choice to satisfy cravings.
  • Check the seasonal calendar to see which nuts are harvested when:

    How many nuts should you eat a day?

    In the Food pyramid take nuts a comparative high position a. They are because of her are sufficient Nutrient content extremely valuable. However, make sure to enjoy them in moderation as part of a balanced diet as they are high in calories.

    The German Society for Nutrition recommends one daily amount of 25 grams of nuts. A simple guideline is that consuming one Handful of nuts per day is beneficial for health and helps you lose weight.

    In the video: This is what you need to pay attention to when storing nuts

    Nuts for weight loss: These are our tips

    Keep the following points in mind if you want to incorporate nuts into your diet:

    Enjoy nuts raw: The body requires more energy to digest uncooked foods and they are usually lower in calories than cooked versions. Therefore, nuts are best eaten raw. So it’s best to avoid processed nut nougat cream.

    Eating nuts untreated: Ideally, nuts should not only be eaten raw, but also unsalted. The salt removes water from the body and should be avoided.

    Consume nuts with shells: Similar to the white rim of watermelons, the shells of nuts are particularly rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Therefore, it is recommended not to remove the peels before consumption. Of course, this does not apply to the hard shell of walnuts, peanuts or almonds. The shell refers to the brown membrane that surrounds the kernel.

    Moderate consumption: Although nuts are healthy, they are also high in calories. As mentioned above, it is recommended that you eat no more than about 25 grams of nuts per day if you want to lose weight. The portion size should fit your daily calorie intake.

    Conclusion: Losing weight with nuts works

    Despite their high calorie content, nuts are an excellent choice when it comes to your Support health and lose weight at the same time. They are rich in important nutrients, promote satiety, support fat loss and offer numerous health benefits. However, keep in mind that nuts alone do not work miracles and are most effective when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

    Which nut is best for weight loss?

    Almonds are a good choice if you want to lose weight. They contain a high amount of protein and fiber, which promote satiety and reduce appetite. Cashews are also good for losing weight because they are low in calories.

    Which nuts for belly fat?

    In general, it is not possible to lose weight in certain parts of the body with certain foods. However, walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which may help reduce visceral fat (fat in the abdominal cavity that surrounds the internal organs).

    Can you lose weight with nuts?

    Yes, nuts can actually help you lose weight if you eat them in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. They support fat loss and offer numerous health benefits.

    How many nuts a day to lose weight?

    It is recommended to eat about a handful of nuts per day, which is usually around 25 grams. With this amount, you get the health benefits without consuming too many extra calories.

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