Fiorello like Manuel Franjo on Viva Rai2 requests the hairspray back from Enzo Paolo Turchi. And the dancer returns it to the real Manuel after 40 years from the Balivo

by time news

Game of references at Rai after Fiorello’s gag at the Sanremo festival: the showman dressed as Franjo at the time and Cuccarini had danced to «Sugar Sugar», from Fantastico 6 (1985). Baudo applauded the reunion on the phone

After the success at the Sanremo festival, Fiorello on Thursday morning on Viva Rai2 returned to wearing the white shirt dotted with rhinestones and the black wig of the dancer Manuel Franjo for a new gag inspired by the Fantastico 6 theme song «Sugar Sugar». This time not alongside the dancer Manuel Franjo for a new gag inspired by the “Fantastic 6” theme song “Sugar Sugar”, which aired Thursday morning on Viva Rai2. This time not alongsideFranjo (the real one) from Balivo on Rai1

Soon, in the afternoon on Rai1, the hairspray sketch had a sequel during «The good time» by Caterina Balivo. Manuel Franjo (the Venezuelan-born dancer now lives in Rome, after a long period in New York, ed.) is back in possession of the spray, returned to him by Enzo Paolo Turchi, accompanied on TV by his wife Carmen Russo and their little Maria. «After 40 years, thanks to Fiorello, Manuel Franjo is back in possession of his hairspray!» Bailiff announces. This is followed by an embrace between friends-rivals Franjo and Turchi. And Pippo Baudo also intervenes, on the phone, his voice cracking with emotion: «How nice to meet you again. Who expected it.”

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February 14, 2024 (modified February 14, 2024 | 7:45 pm)


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