When artists “catch the trend” leave the city and return to the countryside… to become a farmer

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Many people find it difficult to understand when life in bustling streets, full amenities, convenient transportation… is very good, but suddenly the artist gives it all up to return to his hometown to live with gardens, ponds, and hills.

However, in the past 10 years, the trend has been to leave the city and return to the countryside to live in the world artist more and more. Now, there are not only the family of artists Thanh Hoa, Luu Trong Ninh, My Linh, Viet Hoan… but also Xuan Hinh, Thanh Thanh Hien, Tien Quang (Quang Teo), Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Pham Phuong Thao, Thai Thuy Linh…

Xuan Hinh and Pham Phuong Thao left the city and returned to the countryside to live peacefully with plants and trees

“King of Northern Comedy” Xuan Hinh has lived mainly in the suburbs of Hanoi for many years – where there is a garden area of ​​​​up to 5,000 m2, with buildings built from 5 million ancient tiles – 1 million ancient bricks. In his garden, there are fruit gardens, ornamental gardens, vegetable gardens, brick terraces, stone bridges…

In particular, the house he lives in was renovated from an old house built during his grandparents’ time, so it is both rich in the soul of the Northern countryside and has many typical architectural features of the family. This project was recently selected by Domus magazine – Europe’s most prestigious design magazine as one of the best architectural projects of the year.

Artist Xuan Hinh lives comfortably with a garden house of up to 5,000 square meters in the suburbs of Hanoi. Photo: FBNV

Recently, the male artist often shares pictures of him dressed in casual clothes pulling weeds around the vegetable garden, wading through mud to catch fish, sitting under trees fishing… with a relaxed expression. What he shared was enough to make the audience and colleagues feel the quiet idyll life of the male artist living in the middle of the countryside.

Sharing with Dan Viet, artist Xuan Hinh said, I have two houses, the 5-room house is in my hometown of Bac Ninh, the 5,000m2 house is in the suburbs of Hanoi. Now every week, he lives with his wife and children for a few days in the inner city, and the rest of the time he lives in the suburbs.

“In my 5,000 square meter campus, there is a Museum of Mother Goddesses, a Library that preserves traditional culture and the word “Drinking Water from the Source” to worship the Mother Goddess. Now I spend most of my time here, Mrs. My son and I still live in the inner city, only coming here occasionally. Coming here, first of all, I have space to practice spirituality because I believe that “If I receive the blessings of the Mother, I must now worship the Mother.” .

When hearing the

Artist Xuan Hinh’s house is built from 5 million ancient tiles – 1 million ancient bricks. Photo: FBNV

When I hear the

On the 5,000m2 campus of artist Xuan Hinh, there is a Museum of Mother Goddesses, a Library preserving traditional culture and the “Drinking Water from the Source” word for worshiping the Mother Goddess. Photo: FBNV

Second, I can live in harmony with nature, with trees and plants, and with gentle farmers. It’s not that people suddenly call me “the one who makes fun of fake people”, because I was born in the countryside and am a real farmer, so it’s right to return to the countryside now. I plan to open a class in the future to teach literature singing, Cheo singing and traditional arts at the Library. I will teach free for those who love traditional music, without charging any fees,” artist Xuan Hinh revealed.

Pham Phuong Thao – female singer The youngest person in the music industry who has just been awarded the title of People’s Artist has also moved to live in Thach That (outskirt of Hanoi) for 3-4 years now. Before that, the singer “Gai Nghe” lived in a high-class shared apartment on Hoang Dao Thuy street (Hanoi). Pham Phuong Thao’s garden house is on a high hill, with a total area of ​​8,000 square meters. In the garden’s grounds, there is a Mother Goddess Temple, a miniature landscape, a fruit garden, a vegetable and medicinal herb garden, and an ornamental garden with hundreds of types of flowers…

When I hear the

Pham Phuong Thao currently lives in a garden house with a total area of ​​8,000 square meters on a high hill. Photo: FBNV

Female singer Nghe An expressed: “A lot of my friends, when they heard that I was leaving the city and moving back to live alone in an 8,000 m2 campus on a high hill, all shook their heads and said “yes”. But I see, since the day I moved to the suburbs, life has changed. I live a very comfortable and pleasant life. I never feel sad because if I’m not performing, I’m busy making incense and worshiping the Mother Goddess or hoeing the garden from morning to night. I’m a nature lover, I love plants. , love the village life… so I can’t wait until retirement to enjoy this idyll life. I feel lucky and happy because I can soon do what I want, which is a peaceful and clean life. middle of the village”.

Pham Phuong Thao revealed to Dan Viet that she did not see any obstacles when moving to the suburbs. Because performing, going to the theater or meeting friends… are all scheduled in advance, she is always proactive in her work. The travel is not too far so it doesn’t take too much time.

When hearing the

Rockery work in the garden house of Pham Phuong Thao. Photo: FBNV

“Coming back to nature, enjoying the life I love, I have more emotions. That’s why I compose more songs. My songs are always composed in a “dynamic” state. , that is, it happened while moving, while working. There were even many songs born while I was carrying rocks, hoeing soil, planting trees… during the days of building my living space. I also realized that living in harmony with nature, making friends with gentle people… my soul is more open, my singing voice is also more eloquent.”

Thai Thuy Linh sets up an organic village and works as an “apprentice” farmer.

Not only did she leave the city to return to the forest to become an “intern” farmer, singer Thai Thuy Linh also built a hamlet named “Xom Huu Co” in Du Sang commune, Kim Boi district, Hoa Binh province with many friends. Calling people to return to the “origin” of life. Thai Thuy Linh said that in recent years, Hanoi’s pollution situation has become alarming. Each time, she took her children to the countryside, sometimes staying for up to a month. When she returned to the city, she tried to renovate her living space with more trees but it was not very effective.

When I hear the

Thai Thuy Linh left the city and returned to her hometown to work as an “apprentice” farmer. Photo: FBNV

“When the Covid-19 epidemic broke out, my whole family “hung out” at the 5,000 square meter du ca garden in Hoa Thach commune, Quoc Oai district, Hanoi. After that, I thought a lot about singing. I realized that if I only sang to make a living, I could do many jobs that were easier to make a living. But I could do things that brought great value to the community. Therefore, I allowed myself to turn into a farmers, establishing organic agricultural villages, improving land and living in harmony with nature. I do not promote but directly do these jobs to share about life and the environment with the community”, Thai Thuy Linh shared.

The female singer admitted that since moving back to her hometown to become a farmer… she feels much different. Thinking and lifestyle have changed very differently from before. She finds her life simpler, more simple, but more pleasant because it is more true to who she is. Occasionally, she still sings in suitable programs.

When I hear the

A very chill corner on Thai Thuy Linh’s organic farm. Photo: FBNV

“Eight years ago, someone told me to go to the countryside to live and I surrendered. Because if I went to the countryside, I found myself facing too many challenges. Therefore, I chose to create an organic neighborhood model from which can share good solutions. I may not be good at agriculture or the environment, but by my side I always have teammates willing to stand by my side, many of whom are real agricultural experts.

I have only been following this path for nearly 2 years but have seen many positive signs. It not only inspires a lifestyle close to nature, but also opens up suggestions on how to organize life, prepare to go to the countryside, and realize the dream of living peacefully in the countryside,” said the singer. “Soldiers” expressed.

Thai Thuy Linh confided that she likes to call her current life “living well”. “Living well” is not just about eating well, drinking well, breathing well, thinking well, and acting well. Thinking that’s why she tried to “pull” many people from the city to the countryside to “live well with her”. Currently, she has 20 farmers working with her. From just being a singer, knowing nothing about agriculture… she learned to recognize “problem trees” when going around the garden.

My job is not only to accompany farmers but also to help the countryside become richer, healthier, cleaner and more beautiful. I want to find a solution so that farmers’ labor is not wasted. And help farmers know how to both produce agricultural products and know how to sell so as not to lose on their own land. Currently, I have 5 organic villages and created jobs for 20 families.

But each person in the group when working for me will work in a new way. Therefore, in terms of health, they do not have sinusitis or headaches. In terms of knowledge, they have more skills to go home and do things for themselves, help their neighbors… I really dream of having 100 organic villages, even 1,000 villages,” Thai Thuy Linh added.

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